
CrateDB Cloud uses OAuth2 for authentication.

You must authenticate yourself before interacting with your CrateDB Cloud account or its resources.


Log in, like so:

Usage: croud login [-h] --idp {cognito,azuread,github,google}
                   [--region REGION] [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


Possible choices: cognito, azuread, github, google

The identity provider (IdP) for the login.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False

This will open a browser window that will present you with an authentication screen.


Your access token is cached locally, and all subsequent commands will be authenticated until you explicitly log out.

CrateDB Cloud offers four authentication methods: username and password (via Amazon Cognito), Azure AD, GitHub and Google logins. By default username and password authentication is used, but the login provider can be changed using the --idp (IdentityProvider) argument.


To log out, run:

Usage: croud logout [-h] [--region REGION]
                    [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False

This will clear your access token. You will then be required to log in again before interacting with your account or its resources.