

You must have wget and jq installed for the script to function. CrateDB Edge is currently in Pre-Release. CrateDB Edge and related services are provided on an “as is” basis and may change at any time. CrateDB provides no guarantees or warranty regarding the usability or performance of CrateDB Edge. The CrateDB Cloud Service Level Agreement (SLA) is expressly disclaimed for the use of CrateDB Edge and related services until further notice. By using CrateDB Edge, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Should you find any errors, bugs, or functionality problems while using the CrateDB Edge Pre-Release, please let us know using the contact page or


Certain hardware and software specifications must be met in order to make use of CrateDB Edge. The most important of these is that you must provide a working Kubernetes cluster, one that meets the following requirements:

  • It must contain at least three nodes (for high availability). You can also run development workloads on a single-node cluster. Note, however, that you will only be able to provision single-node CrateDB clusters;

  • Sufficient CPU per node to run the CrateDB Cloud software stack as well as sufficient compute to run the CrateDB instances desired. We recommend the use of a K8s autoscaler. For reference, the CrateDB Edge stack - without Grafana or Loki - requires about 2 CPUs and 2500 Mi of memory. We recommend at least 4 CPUs per node for reliable performance.

  • A Kubernetes version 1.20, 1.21, or 1.22;

  • A storage class for persisting your data (SSD recommended). As outlined in the installation script, CrateDB Edge expects the storage classes crate-premium (SSD) and crate-standard (SSD or Spindle). Also ensure that you are able to set the field allowVolumeExpansion to true.

  • Unless you are experienced with operating Kubernetes clusters, we recommend to start with a dedicated Kubernetes cluster for CrateDB Edge. If you use an existing Kubernetes setup, be aware that the following components will be set up during installation of CrateDB Edge, which may interfere with your existing configuration:

    • cert-manager (version 1.6.1)

    • ingress-nginx (version 1.2.3)

    • Optionally, Grafana, Loki, or Promtail (via Helm).

Beyond this, using the CrateDB Cloud stack requires creating a CrateDB Cloud account and an organization, which will become the owner of the Edge region in which the cluster can be deployed. One must also access the CrateDB Cloud Console in order to deploy the cluster itself, using the provided script. These steps will be explained below.

Some Kubernetes knowledge, especially regarding networking and storage, is recommended when using CrateDB Edge, especially when using it as-is. If you’re uncertain, you may benefit from using CrateDB Edge in combination with cloud providers or third-party tools as described further down in this tutorial.


A special note about bare metal Kubernetes clusters: CrateDB Edge should work on any bare metal cluster, but the CrateDB instances running within require a load balancer for outside access. If you do not have a load balancer (for example MetalLB), you can still access the CrateDB clusters within, but you will need to figure out the node ports to use.

Sign up

To use the CrateDB Cloud software, you must first sign up. Follow the steps outlined in this tutorial to do so.

Create an organization

When you first log in to the CrateDB Cloud Console after having created an appropriate account, you will arrive at the Organization overview page. Here you will be prompted to create an organization.

Create an organization

Fill out the name of the organization and click the Create organization button. After a short moment, the organization will be created and you can proceed. After you create your first organization, you will be taken to the Dashboard tab of said organization.

Create a custom region

In the Regions tab, it is possible to create a custom region. You will want to do this if you are hosting your cluster locally and are not relying on existing cloud providers to host your database infrastructure.

The Regions tab shows an overview of regions hosted by cloud providers as well as the option to create your own.

CrateDB Console regions screen

To create a custom region, simply fill out a name for the region and click on the Create edge region button.

Once you have done so, it will show your custom region.

CrateDB Console custom region screen

A preconfigured script will appear in the custom region field that you have just created. To proceed, open your local CLI and follow the steps in the next section of the tutorial. (You may want to keep the CrateDB Cloud Console open in your browser in the meantime.)

Apply the script

You can use the copy function provided in the custom region field to copy the script into your own CLI. Simply paste it there and execute the script. The script will check whether your local setup conforms to the prerequisites listed above. If one or more prerequisites fail, the script will notify you of this, and you will have to install them to proceed. (We recommend Helm for tracking and installing dependencies on Kubernetes.)


You must have wget and jq installed for the script to function.

Manifest and verification

Once you satisfy the prerequisites, the script will ask for your confirmation to install CrateDB Edge. Type Y or y to continue. The script will then download the manifest files for the CrateDB Edge service and apply them.

In the final stage, the script will loop over the services and check their availability. It continues doing this until all required services have become available. Note that this may take some time, which depends among other things on how fast a certificate can be issued.

Help and parameters

Use the --help parameter to find an overview of the available parameters for the script.

The parameters are defined as follows:

Usage: <token> [options]

Here <token> represents the installation token provided on region creation,
and the [options] are the optional parameters as shown below.

  --base-url: The URL the manifest should be fetched from
  -d, --debug: Displays a lot of debug information
  --dry-run: Will not apply the downloaded manifest file. This can be used
  for checking the manifest file (edge-manifest.yaml) before applying it.
  -m, --max-execution-time (600): Maximum time in seconds the script should
  --run-prerequisites: Will only run the prerequisites check
  --run-validation: Will only run the post-install validation

Once the services are up and running, the script will report: “Successfully validated installation”. At this point, you can return to the CrateDB Cloud Console.

In the CrateDB Cloud Console you can now deploy a cluster from within your custom Edge region. Go to the Regions tab of the Organization overview to find your custom region and deploy your cluster from there. This will take you to the cluster configuration screen.

Upgrade the Edge Region

Components of a deployed Edge Region are not updated automatically. Because of this, users should update their Edge Regions regularly to continue getting new features, bugfixes, and security updates.

If your region is outdated, you will see a Upgrade this Edge region button next to your region:

CrateDB Console regions screen

Clicking it will show you a command that updates your Edge Region. Paste the command into the environment where your Edge cluster is deployed to upgrade it.

Configure the cluster


Next, go through the cluster configuration process. You will see that a cluster can now be deployed to your custom region. You can move directly to the cluster configuration. Configure your desired hardware values for CPU, RAM, storage, and number of nodes.

Cluster configuration panels for CrateDB Edge

On the right the cluster scale overview shows the total hardware values for the cluster. This is simply the number of nodes you have chosen, multiplied by the values per node you have defined.

You can also define the backup location of your CrateDB Edge cluster. You have the option of either using the default backup location for CrateDB Cloud, which is managed by us, or use a custom backup location that is convenient to you. This has to be an S3 bucket or a location with an equivalent functionality. In the latter case, you can set the access key and secret here as well. Clicking the the Test Connection button will check whether a connection to your backup location can be established. Keep in mind that you cannot proceed with a custom backup location unless the connection is functional.

That’s it. As you’re using your own equipment in this case, no need to provide the billing details.

Finish up

You will now be returned to the CrateDB Cloud Console, but this time to the Cluster overview page. A popup menu will remind you of the username and password you selected for connecting to the cluster. Make sure you copy this information to a safe place (e.g., a password manager), as it will not be retrievable past this point.

You can use the Cluster overview page to access your cluster via the Admin UI (see, however, the note below).


If your Kubernetes cluster does not provide a load balancer with an external IP address, you will not be able to access your cluster from the CrateDB Cloud Console.

Use a cloud provider region

Aside from creating your own custom region, it is also possible to use CrateDB Edge in combination with an existing cloud provider. To deploy a cluster in this way, follow the initial steps described above until you have created an organization. Then, go to the Regions tab and instead of creating a custom region, choose a cloud provider from the fields provided and click Deploy cluster. You will be referred to the subscription plan screen. Select your desired plan and proceed to the configuration wizard as described above.

Delete a custom region

In order to delete a custom region, click the trashcan icon at the bottom right of the custom region panel. A confirmation dialog will appear warning that deletion of a custom region disables access to CrateDB Cloud for that region.

Deleting a custom region does not delete the resources inside that region. To also delete the resources inside the region, run the script provided in the deletion confirmation screen in your local CLI before confirming the deletion in the console. This will uninstall CrateDB Edge from your local Kubernetes cluster.

To finalize the deletion of the custom region, enter the name of your region into the form.

CrateDB Edge deletion confirmation screen