
The scheduled-jobs command lets you manage scheduled sql jobs for your cluster.


Scheduled sql jobs are an easy way to setup sql statements that need to be run in a certain interval to manage your clusters data.

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs [-h] {create,list,logs,delete,edit} ...

clusters scheduled-jobs create

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs create [-h] --name NAME --cluster-id
                                            CLUSTER_ID --cron CRON --sql SQL
                                            --enabled ENABLED
                                            [--region REGION]
                                            [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


Name of the sql job.


Cluster where the job should be run.


Cron schedule of the sql job.


The sql statement the job should run.


Enable or disable the job.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs create \
    --name test-job \
    --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
    --cron "1 1 * * *" \
    --sql "DELETE * FROM TABLE test" \
    --enabled True
| name     | id            | cron      | sql               | enabled   |
| test-job | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 1 1 * * * | DELETE FROM test  | TRUE      |

clusters scheduled-jobs list

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs list [-h] --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID
                                          [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The cluster of which jobs should be listed.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs list \
    --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
| name     | id            | cron      | sql               | enabled   | next_run_time             |
| test-job | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 1 1 * * * | DELETE FROM test  | TRUE      | 2024-01-20T01:01:00+00:00 |

clusters scheduled-jobs logs

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs logs [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
                                          CLUSTER_ID [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The job id of the job log to be listed.


The cluster of which the job log should be listed.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs logs \
    --job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY \
    --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
| job_id        | start                      | end                        | error   | statements                                                            |
| 0EW7SX3ND87DY | 2024-01-20T08:52:00.008000 | 2024-01-29T08:52:00.014000 | NULL    | {"0": {"duration": 0.0021747201681137085, "sql": "DELETE FROM test"}} |

clusters scheduled-jobs edit

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs edit [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
                                          CLUSTER_ID --name NAME --sql SQL
                                          --cron CRON --enabled ENABLED
                                          [--region REGION]
                                          [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The id of the job to edit.


The cluster id where the job was created.


The name of the sql job.


The sql statement of the sql job.


Cron schedule of the sql job.


Enable or disable the sql job.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs edit \
    --job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY \
    --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1 \
    --name test-job-1 \
    --cron "3 2 * * *" \
    --sql "SELECT 1;" \
    --enabled False
| name       | id            | sql       | cron      | enabled   |
| test-job-1 | 0EW7SX3ND87DY | SELECT 1; | 3 2 * * * | FALSE     |

clusters scheduled-jobs delete

Usage: croud clusters scheduled-jobs delete [-h] --job-id JOB_ID --cluster-id
                                            CLUSTER_ID [--region REGION]
                                            [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments


The job id of the job to be deleted.


The cluster of which the job should be deleted.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud clusters scheduled-jobs delete \
    --job-id 0EW7SX3ND87DY
    --cluster-id 8d6a7c3c-61d5-11e9-a639-34e12d2331a1
==> Success: Scheduled job deleted.