Chapter 23 – SQL Translation


You are reading a digital copy of SQL-99 Complete, Really, a book that documents the SQL-99 standard.

The book and the standard does not reflect the features of CrateDB, we are just publishing it as a service for the community and for reference purposes.

On the one hand, CrateDB does not implement the SQL-99 standard thoroughly, on the other hand, it extends the standard for implementing cluster features and others.

For more information specific to CrateDB, check out the CrateDB Reference documentation.

[Obscure Rule] applies to this entire chapter.

In this chapter, we’ll describe SQL Translations in detail, and show you the syntax to use to create, alter and destroy them.

Table of Contents


A Schema may contain zero or more Translations. An SQL Translation is a set of rules that maps the characters from a source Character set to the characters of a target Character set; effectively translating source strings into target strings. Any pair of Character sets may have zero or more Translations defined to translate strings belonging to one (the source Character set) into strings belonging to the other (the target Character set). Translations are dependent on some Schema – the <Translation name> must be unique within the Schema the Translation belongs to. User-defined Translations are created and dropped using standard SQL statements.

In SQL, a Translation may be a Translation defined by a national or international standard, by your DBMS or by a user of SQL-data.

Standard-defined Translations are translations predefined for two character repertoires by some standards body. Implementation-defined Translations are translations predefined for two Character sets by your DBMS. The pre-defined Translations provided by your DBMS belong to INFORMATION_SCHEMA. The SQL special grantee, PUBLIC, always has a USAGE Privilege on every predefined Translation provided by your DBMS.

[NON-PORTABLE] The set of predefined Translations provided by a DBMS is non-standard because the SQL Standard has no required Translations: it requires implementors to define any Translations supported.

[OCELOT Implementation] The OCELOT DBMS that comes with this book provides a Translation named OCELOT. It translates SQL_TEXT strings to ASCII_FULL strings.

A Translation is defined by a descriptor that contains four pieces of information:

  1. The <Translation name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The name of the Translation’s source Character set: the Character set from which it translates.

  3. The name of the Translation’s target Character set: the Character set to which it translates.

  4. The mapping scheme for the Translation.

Two character strings may be compared or assigned to one another only if they both belong to the same Character set. The way to force a comparison or assignment between strings from different Character sets is to use the TRANSLATE function, which uses a Translation defined for the Character sets as an argument.

User-defined Translations may belong to any Schema owned by the creator. To create a Translation, use the CREATE TRANSLATION statement (either as a stand-alone SQL statement or within a CREATE SCHEMA statement). CREATE TRANSLATION specifies the enclosing Schema, names the Translation and defines the Translation’s source Character set, target Character set and Translation source. To destroy a Translation, use the DROP TRANSLATION statement. To change an existing Translation, drop and then redefine it.

There is a one-to-many relationship between Translations and Character sets: a Translation may translate the characters of only one pair of Character sets, but a Character set can be named as either the source or the target for many different Translations.

Translation Names

A <Translation name> identifies a Translation. The required syntax for a <Translation name> is:

<Translation name> ::=
[ <Schema name>. ] unqualified name

A <Translation name> is a <regular identifier> or a <delimited identifier> that is unique (for all Translations) within the Schema it belongs to. The <Schema name> which qualifies a <Translation name> names the Schema that the Translation belongs to and can either be explicitly stated, or it will default to INFORMATION_SCHEMA; that is, an unqualified <Translation name> is always assumed to belong to INFORMATION_SCHEMA – even if a CREATE TRANSLATION statement is part of a CREATE SCHEMA statement. (User-defined Translations may not belong to INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Therefore, when defining, using or dropping a user-defined Translation, always provide an explicit <Schema name> qualifier for the <Translation name>.)

Here are some examples of possible <Translation name>s:

-- a <Translation name>

-- a simple qualified <Translation name>

-- a fully qualified <Translation name>

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use any <Translation name>s.


The CREATE TRANSLATION statement names a new user-defined Translation and specifies the Translation’s source and target Character sets as well as the Translation’s source. The required syntax for the CREATE TRANSLATION statement is:

CREATE TRANSLATION user-defined <Translation name>
   FOR source <Character set name>
   TO target <Character set name>
   FROM <translation source>

   <translation source> ::=
   existing <Translation name> |
   <specific routine designator>

CREATE TRANSLATION defines a new user-defined Translation. A Translation is owned by the Schema it belongs to.

The user-defined <Translation name> identifies the new Translation and the Schema that it belongs to. A <Translation name> that includes an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to the Schema named. A <Translation name> that does not include an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Since a user-defined Translation can’t belong to INFORMATION_SCHEMA, always provide an explicit <Schema name> qualifier when you’re creating a Translation.

If CREATE TRANSLATION is part of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, the <Translation name> must include the <Schema name> of the Schema being created; that is, it isn’t possible to create a Translation belonging to a different Schema from within CREATE SCHEMA. For example, this SQL statement will not return an error because the <Translation name> explicitly includes a qualifying <Schema name> that matches the name of the Schema being created:

   CREATE TRANSLATION bob.translation_1
      FOR SQL_CHARACTER TO LATIN1 FROM function_name;
-- creates a Translation called BOB.TRANSLATION_1 in Schema BOB

But this SQL statement will return an error because the <Translation name> explicitly includes a qualifying <Schema name> that is different from the name of the Schema being created:

   CREATE TRANSLATION sam.translation_1
      FOR SQL_CHARACTER TO LATIN1 FROM function_name;
-- tries to create a Translation belonging to Schema SAM inside Schema BOB; illegal syntax

If CREATE TRANSLATION is executed as a stand-alone SQL statement, the current <AuthorizationID> must either be the owner of the Schema that this new Translation belongs to, or the Schema’s owner must be a Role that the current <AuthorizationID> may use. That is, only the owner of a Schema can create Translations for that Schema. In addition to creating a Translation, CREATE TRANSLATION also causes the SQL special grantor, “_SYSTEM”, to grant the USAGE Privilege on the new Translation to the Schema owner <AuthorizationID> (that is, the <AuthorizationID creating the Translation). The Privilege is grantable if the <AuthorizationID> also has a grantable USAGE Privilege on both the Translation’s source Character set and its target Character set.

A user-defined Translation must be defined to operate on a pair of Character sets. The FOR clause of the CREATE TRANSLATION statement names the source Character set; the TO clause names the target Character set. In each case, <Character set name> must be the name of an existing Character set for which the current <AuthorizationID> has the USAGE Privilege.

A user-defined Translation must also be defined as using a source mapping scheme: it defines the source and target Character sets’ corresponding pairs of characters. The FROM clause of the CREATE TRANSLATION statement names this Translation source. If the FROM clause names some other Translation as the new Translation’s source, the existing <Translation name> must be the name of an existing Translation for which the current <AuthorizationID> has the USAGE Privilege and whose source Character set and target Character set are the same as the source and target Character sets you’re defining for the new Translation. For example, this SQL statement:

CREATE TRANSLATION bob.translation_2
   FOR SQL_CHARACTER TO LATIN1 FROM bob.translation_1;

defines a new user-defined Translation, called BOB.TRANSLATION_2, in the Schema named BOB. Except for its name, the Translation BOB.TRANSLATION_2 will be exactly the same as the BOB.TRANSLATION_1 Translation – that is, it is not truly possible to “create” new Translations with this format, merely to rename them. The other option for specifying a Translation source is to use a <specific routine designator> that names an SQL-invoked function for which the current <AuthorizationID> has the EXECUTE Privilege. The function named must (a) have one character string parameter whose Character set is this Translation’s source Character set and (b) return a character string that belongs to this Translation’s target Character set.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use the CREATE TRANSLATION statement.


The DROP TRANSLATION statement destroys a user-defined Translation. The required syntax for the DROP TRANSLATION statement is:

DROP TRANSLATION <Translation name>

The <Translation name> must identify an existing Translation whose owner is either the current <AuthorizationID> or a Role that the current <AuthorizationID> may use. That is, only the <AuthorizationID> that owns the Translation may drop it, and so it isn’t possible to drop any of the predefined Translations provided by your DBMS.

The effect of DROP TRANSLATION <Translation name>, e.g.:

DROP TRANSLATION bob.translation_1;

is that the user-defined Translation named BOB.TRANSLATION_1 is destroyed, provided that the Translation is not referred to in any View definition, Constraint or Assertion definition, Collation definition, other Translation definition or SQL routine. That is, DROP TRANSLATION ensures that only a Translation with no dependent Objects can be destroyed. If the Translation is used by any other Object, DROP TRANSLATION will fail.

If successful, DROP TRANSLATION has a two-fold effect.

  1. The Translation named is destroyed.

  2. The USAGE Privilege held on the Translation by the <AuthorizationID> that owns it is revoked (by the SQL special grantor, “_SYSTEM”) with a CASCADE revoke behaviour, so that the USAGE Privilege held on the Translation by any other <AuthorizationID> is also revoked.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use the DROP TRANSLATION statement.