Chapter 20 – SQL Constraint and Assertion


You are reading a digital copy of SQL-99 Complete, Really, a book that documents the SQL-99 standard.

The book and the standard does not reflect the features of CrateDB, we are just publishing it as a service for the community and for reference purposes.

On the one hand, CrateDB does not implement the SQL-99 standard thoroughly, on the other hand, it extends the standard for implementing cluster features and others.

For more information specific to CrateDB, check out the CrateDB Reference documentation.

In this chapter, we’ll describe SQL Constraints and SQL Assertions in detail, and show you the syntax to use to create, alter and destroy them.

Table of Contents


A Schema may contain zero or more integrity Constraints (an Assertion is just a special type of integrity Constraint: it is not necessarily dependent on a single Base table as simple Constraints are.) An SQL Constraint is a named rule which helps define valid sets of values by putting limits on the results of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operations performed on a Base table, an Assertion, by contrast, may define valid sets of values for individual rows of a Base table or for an entire Base table or it may define the set of valid values required to exist among a number of Base tables. Constraints are dependent on some Schema – the <Constraint name> must be unique within the Schema the Constraint belongs to – and are created and dropped using standard SQL statements.

There are four Constraint variations – UNIQUE Constraints, PRIMARY KEY Constraints, FOREIGN KEY Constraints and CHECK Constraints.

  1. A UNIQUE Constraint defines one or more Columns of a Table as unique Columns: it is satisfied if no two rows in the Table have the same non-null values in the unique Columns.

  2. A PRIMARY KEY Constraint is a UNIQUE Constraint that specifies PRIMARY KEY: it is satisfied if (a) no two rows in the Table have the same non-null values in the unique Columns and (b) none of the primary key Columns are NULL. UNIQUE Constraints and PRIMARY KEY Constraints describe a Base table’s candidate keys.

  3. A FOREIGN KEY Constraint defines one or more Columns of a Table as referencing Columns whose values must match the values of some corresponding referenced Columns in a referenced Base table (the referenced Columns must be UNIQUE Columns for the referenced Table). It is satisfied if, for every row in the referencing Table, the values of the referencing Columns are equal to those of the corresponding referenced Columns in some row of the referenced Table. (If either Table contains NULLs, satisfaction of the FOREIGN KEY Constraint depends on the Constraint’s match type.) FOREIGN KEY Constraints describe linkages between Base tables.

  4. A CHECK Constraint defines a search condition: it is violated if the result of the condition is FALSE for any row of the Table. An Assertion is a CHECK Constraint that may operate on multiple Tables.

Non-deterministic Constraints

A CHECK Constraint may not define a non-deterministic search condition – that is, any condition whose result may vary from time to time. Here is an example of an invalid CHECK Constraint:

   column_1 DATE CHECK (column_1 = CURRENT_DATE);

This SQL statement would return an error because the CHECK Constraint’s search condition is non-deterministic – since the value of CURRENT_DATE changes each time the function is called, your DBMS is not able to determine whether the Constraint has been violated or not. For another example, run this query twice, on the same database:

FROM   Table_1
WHERE  column_time = TIME '13:14:15';

You can be sure that the results will be the same both times. Now run this query twice:

FROM   Table_1
WHERE  column_time = CURRENT_TIME;

You can’t be sure that the results will be the same both times because the current time is a value from outside your SQL environment, beyond the control of your DBMS. Now run this query twice:

FROM   Table_1
FROM   Table_1;

Once again, you can’t be sure that the results will be the same both times. With most Collations (NO PAD and “case insensitive”), the <literal>s 'a' and 'A' are equivalent – that is, they’re equal to each other. But they’re still not the same <literal>.

The point is that the only predictable queries are those which depend on SQL- data and defined rules. As soon as you start to use values which are outside SQL, or which result from implementation-dependent answers to areas which the SQL Standards leaves undefined, you have a query which requires a nine-syllable term to describe: “possibly non-deterministic”. Specifically, queries are possibly non-deterministic (and therefore not allowed in Constraints) if they depend on:


  • An operation which picks from multiple values that may be equivalent-but-not-the-same. Picky operations include: MIN, MAX, UNION (though UNION ALL is okay), INTERSECT, EXCEPT, DISTINCT and grouping columns. Equivalent-but-not-the-same can be true for: character strings and times and timestamps (in the latter cases the external factor that causes non-determinism is the time zone).

  • A routine invocation which is based on a procedure in a host language or on parameters that are set by a host program.

No matter what type of Constraint you’re defining, the main ideas are always the same.

  1. You’re describing a state which must not be FALSE. This means it can be either TRUE or UNKNOWN. (It can also be “temporarily FALSE” – your DBMS is supposed to allow bad data until constraint check time. Then, if it descries a FALSE condition, it must wipe the bad data out again, so it’s equally correct to say “Constraint violation” and “attempted Constraint violation”.) Evaluation of a Constraint is one of the areas where NULLs and three-valued logic play an important role.

  2. A Constraint is an Object in a Schema – it is not a procedure. It is, rather, a revelation to the DBMS about what you want and what you don’t want to see in your database.

Constraint Deferrability

All Constraints are defined with a deferral mode of either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE. A deferral mode of DEFERRABLE allows you to specify when you want your DBMS to check the Constraint for violation (the choices are at statement end or at transaction end). A deferral mode of NOT DEFERRABLE doesn’t give you this option: your DBMS will check the Constraint for violation as soon as it finishes executing an SQL statement. Of course, not every SQL statement will cause your DBMS to check Constraints – the main statements that cause Constraint checking are INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE (there is no Constraint checking for DROP statements). DELETE is slightly less important because whenever you get rid of a row, there is no longer any need to check whether that row violates a Constraint. Consider these SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT);

   ``UNIQUE`` (column_1) NOT DEFERRABLE;

INSERT INTO Table_1 (column_1)

INSERT INTO Table_1 (column_1)

   column_1 = column_1 + 1;

Believe it or not, there are DBMSs alive today which will fail when they encounter this example’s UPDATE statement. The reason is that they UPDATE one row at a time and perform the Constraint check immediately after doing each row (this is normally the case whenever a DBMS implements UNIQUE Constraints using a “unique index”). Therefore, as soon as 1+1=2 is done for the first row, there’s a duplication – even though, if the DBMS would only proceed to do the next row, the duplication would disappear (it would end up with a 2 in the first row and a 3 in the second row). The fact is, there never is a need for the Constraint to be checked until the end of the UPDATE statement – nor does the SQL Standard allow for Constraint checking until that time.

Every Constraint is also defined with a persistent initial constraint check time that depends on its deferral mode: it is either INITIALLY IMMEDIATE or INITIALLY DEFERRED. A Constraint that is NOT DEFERRABLE always has an initial constraint check time of INITIALLY IMMEDIATE. A Constraint that is DEFERRABLE may have an initial constraint check time of either INITIALLY IMMEDIATE or INITIALLY DEFERRED. During a transaction, each Constraint also has a current constraint check time: its defined initial constraint check time is always the current constraint check time at the beginning of a transaction but you may change the check time for the period of the transaction (from IMMEDIATE to DEFERRED or vice versa) if the Constraint is DEFERRABLE.

  • During a transaction, your DBMS will check every Constraint with a current constraint check time of IMMEDIATE for violation right after it executes an SQL statement – thus each such Constraint may be checked multiple times during a transaction.

  • During a transaction, your DBMS will wait to check every Constraint with a current constraint check time of DEFERRED until the transaction ends – thus each such Constraint will be checked only once per transaction.

For each SQL-session, the current constraint check time of all Constraints is a property of that SQL-session.

To create a Constraint, use a <Table Constraint> definition or a <Column Constraint> definition in a CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE statement or use a <Domain Constraint> definition in a CREATE DOMAIN or an ALTER DOMAIN statement or use the CREATE ASSERTION statement. To destroy a Constraint, use the ALTER TABLE, ALTER DOMAIN or DROP ASSERTION statements. To change an existing Constraint, drop and then redefine it.

There is a one-to-many association between Base tables and <Table Constraint>s or <Column Constraint>s: one Base table may be constrained by the rules of many <Table Constraint>s and/or many <Column Constraint>s (each of which may help define only that Table’s set of valid values). There is also a many-to-many association between Base tables and <Domain Constraint>s: multiple Base tables may contain one or more Columns that are based on the same Domain – and that Domain may be constrained by the rules of many <Domain Constraint>s. Finally, there is a many-to-many association between Base tables and Assertions: multiple Base tables may be constrained by the rules of one Assertion, and one Base table may be constrained by the rules of many Assertions.

Constraint Names

A <Constraint name> identifies a Constraint or an Assertion. The required syntax for a <Constraint name> is:

<Constraint name> ::=
[ <Schema name>. ] unqualified name

A <Constraint name> is a <regular identifier> or a <delimited identifier> that is unique (for all Constraints and Assertions) within the Schema it belongs to. The <Schema name> that qualifies a <Constraint name> names the Schema that the Constraint or Assertion belongs to and can either be explicitly stated, or a default will be supplied by your DBMS as follows:

  • If a <Constraint name> in a CREATE SCHEMA statement isn’t qualified, the default qualifier is the name of the Schema you’re creating.

  • If the unqualified <Constraint name> is found in any other SQL statement in a Module, the default qualifier is the name of the Schema identified in the SCHEMA clause or AUTHORIZATION clause of the MODULE statement which defines that Module.

Here are some examples of <Constraint name>s:

-- a <Constraint name>

-- a simple qualified <Constraint name>

-- a fully qualified <Constraint name>

<Table Constraint> and <Column Constraint>

A Base table may be constrained by zero or more <Table Constraint>s: Constraints defined on one or more of its Columns in a CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE statement. <Table Constraint>s are dependent on some Base table, and therefore on some Schema – the <Constraint name> must be unique within the Schema the Constraint belongs to. There are five kinds of <Table Constraint>s: UNIQUE Constraints, PRIMARY KEY Constraints, FOREIGN KEY Constraints, CHECK Constraints and NOT NULL Constraints (which are really just a type of CHECK Constraint).

A <Column definition> (and therefore a Base table) may be constrained by zero or more <Column Constraint>s: Constraints defined on a single Column in a CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE statement. A <Column Constraint> logically becomes a <Table Constraint> as soon as it is created. <Column Constraint>s are dependent on some Base table, and therefore on some Schema – the <Constraint name> must be unique within the Schema the Constraint belongs to. A <Column Constraint> may be any Constraint that can be a <Table Constraint>.

<Domain Constraint>

A Domain may be constrained by zero or more <Domain Constraint>s: Constraints defined in a CREATE DOMAIN or an ALTER DOMAIN statement. <Domain Constraint>s are dependent on some Domain, and therefore on some Schema – the <Constraint name> must be unique within the Schema the Constraint belongs to. All <Domain Constraint>s are CHECK Constraints whose search conditions are applied to all Columns based on the Domain and to all values cast to the Domain. The search condition may not be a recursive search condition (that is, it may not refer, either directly or indirectly, to the Domain that the <Domain Constraint> belongs to) and it must begin with the <value specification> VALUE; that is, the only proper form for a <Domain Constraint>’s rule is:


(This is the only time SQL allows you to use the <value specification> VALUE.)

Three things wrong with the World Wide Web are:

  1. Pages can be written in different styles and formats, or just be garbage.

  2. Pages can be duplicated.

  3. Links can be broken (the notorious “URL not found” error).

If we could control the World Wide Web, we’d do what we could to stomp out each of those practices, in turn. Specifically, we’d add three basic kinds of Constraints. Well, we don’t control the Web. But we do control databases, so we can use Constraints to stop bad data from getting into our Base tables. (There are other lines of defense against bad data – for example, the requirement that values correspond to a defined <data type>, the WITH CHECK OPTION requirement on a View, the SQL3 TRIGGER feature, and the procedures in your host language programs. We describe these defenses in other chapters.)

If it’s possible, you should create your Constraints and associate them only with Base tables – that way, the process is clear to all users. You’ll know where to look for information about the Constraints – they’ll be associated with the Tables themselves in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. And, after reading this chapter, you’ll know what the specific, rather rigid, rules are – which reduces uncertainty, since specific and rigid rules are clear and well-understood rules. In any case, it is logically proper to associate a Constraint with a Table, because a Table is a set of row values and a Constraint is a restriction (or description) of that set of values.

Constraint Descriptors

A UNIQUE Constraint is defined by a descriptor that contains five pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: the <keyword> UNIQUE, which forces the Table’s set of valid values for one or more Columns to be unique.

  5. The names and positions of the Columns that are required to contain only unique values.

A PRIMARY KEY Constraint is defined by a descriptor that contains five pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: the <keyword> phrase PRIMARY KEY, which forces the Table’s set of valid values for one or more Columns to be unique and not NULL.

  5. The names and positions of the Columns that are the Table’s primary key and thus are required to contain only unique, non-null values. (A Table that has a primary key cannot have a proper supertable.)

A FOREIGN KEY Constraint is defined by a descriptor that contains nine pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: the <keyword> phrase FOREIGN KEY, which forces the Table’s set of valid values for one or more Columns to match some corresponding Columns.

  5. The names and positions of the referencing Column(s) that make up a foreign key for a Table.

  6. The name of the Table that contains the referenced Column(s).

  7. The names and positions of the references Column(s) in the referenced Table.

  8. The Constraint’s MATCH type (if any).

  9. The Constraint’s referential triggered actions (if any).

A NOT NULL Constraint is defined by a descriptor that contains four pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: CHECK (<Column name> IS NOT NULL).

A CHECK Constraint is defined by a descriptor that contains four pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: the <keyword> CHECK followed by the parenthesized search condition that forces the Table’s set of valid values for one or more Columns to be TRUE or UNKNOWN for the condition.

An Assertion is defined by a descriptor that contains five pieces of information:

  1. The <Constraint name>, qualified by the <Schema name> of the Schema it belongs to.

  2. The Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE.

  3. The Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  4. The Constraint’s rule: the <keyword> CHECK followed by the parenthesized search condition that forces the set of valid values for one or more Base Tables to be TRUE or UNKNOWN for the condition.

Constraint Definition

A Constraint definition creates a <Table Constraint>, a <Column Constraint> or a <Domain Constraint>. Used in a CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE DOMAIN or ALTER DOMAIN statement, it names a Constraint and defines the Constraint’s type, deferral mode and constraint check time. The required syntax for a Constraint definition is:

Constraint definition ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
[ <constraint attributes> ]

   Constraint_type ::=
   <Table Constraint> |
   <Column Constrain> |
   <Domain Constraint>

      <Table Constraint> ::=
      UNIQUE Constraint |
      PRIMARY KEY Constraint |
      FOREIGN KEY Constraint |
      CHECK Constraint

      <Column Constraint> ::=
      UNIQUE Constraint |
      PRIMARY KEY Constraint |
      FOREIGN KEY Constraint |
      NOT NULL Constraint |
      CHECK Constraint

      <Domain Constraint> ::=
      CHECK Constraint

   <constraint attributes> ::=
   <constraint check time> [ [ NOT ] DEFERRABLE ] |
   [ NOT ] DEFERRABLE [ <constraint check time> ]

      <constraint check time> ::=

A Constraint definition defines a new rule that will constrain a Base table’s set of valid values. A <Table Constraint> and a <Column Constraint> are owned by the Table they belong to. A <Domain Constraint> is owned by the Domain it belongs to.

<Constraint Name>

All Constraints have names. The optional CONSTRAINT clause of a Constraint definition is used to provide an explicit name for a Constraint. If you omit the CONSTRAINT clause from a Constraint definition, your DBMS will provide a default <Constraint name> to identify the Constraint. For example, this SQL statement includes a Constraint definition that includes a CONSTRAINT clause:

   PRIMARY KEY(column_1);

(The name of the Constraint is CONSTRAINT_1.) This SQL statement includes a Constraint definition that omits the CONSTRAINT clause:


(The name of the Constraint is defined by your DBMS and is therefore non- standard, so we recommend that you explicitly name all of your Constraints.)

The <Constraint name> identifies the Constraint and the Schema that it belongs to. A <Constraint name> that includes an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to the Schema named. A <Constraint name> that does not include an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to the SQL-session default Schema. (In both cases, that Schema must, of course, own the Table or Domain for which the Constraint is defined.) The <Constraint name> must be unique (for all Constraints and Assertions) within the Schema that owns it. If CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE DOMAIN or ALTER DOMAIN are part of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, the <Constraint name>, if explicitly qualified, must include the <Schema name> of the Schema being created; that is, it isn’t possible to create a Constraint belonging to a different Schema from within CREATE SCHEMA.

Types of Constraints

A <Table Constraint> defines a rule that limits the set of values for one or more Columns of a Base table.

A <Column Constraint> defines a rule that limits the set of values for one Column of a Base Table. You may define a <Column Constraint> only within a <Column definition>. Once created, a <Column Constraint> logically becomes a <Table Constraint> for the Table that owns the Column that the Constraint is defined for.

A <Domain Constraint> defines a rule that limits the set of values for every Column that is based on the Domain that the Constraint is defined for. One or more Columns from one or more Base tables may thus be affected by a <Domain Constraint>. A <Domain Constraint> is a CHECK Constraint that uses the <value specification> VALUE.

Deferral Mode

A Constraint definition may include a specification of the Constraint’s deferral mode: either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE. A deferral mode of NOT DEFERRABLE means that your DBMS will check the Constraint for violation immediately after executing every SQL statement in a transaction. A deferral mode of DEFERRABLE means that your DBMS may defer checking the Constraint for violation until the end of the transaction. If you omit the deferral mode specification from a Constraint definition, the Constraint’s deferral mode depends on its initial constraint check time: the deferral mode for an INITIALLY DEFERRED Constraint defaults to DEFERRABLE and the deferral mode for an INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint defaults to NOT DEFERRABLE.

Constraint Check Time

A Constraint definition may also include a specification of the Constraint’s initial constraint check time: either INITIALLY DEFERRED or INITIALLY IMMEDIATE. If you omit the constraint check time specification from a Constraint definition, the Constraint will have a constraint check time of INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

If its initial constraint check time is INITIALLY DEFERRED, a Constraint’s deferral mode must be DEFERRABLE and its constraint check time will be DEFERRED at the beginning of every transaction. You may use the SET CONSTRAINTS statement to change a DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED Constraint’s constraint check time for a transaction (this is the current constraint check time) to IMMEDIATE.

If its initial constraint check time is INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, a Constraint’s deferral mode may be either DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE and its constraint check time will be IMMEDIATE at the beginning of every transaction. You may use the SET CONSTRAINTS statement to change a DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint’s constraint check time for a transaction to DEFERRED but you may not use SET CONSTRAINTS on a NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint because such Constraints can’t have their constraint check times changed.

Immediately after executing any SQL statement, your DBMS checks every Constraint with a current constraint check time of IMMEDIATE for violation, but does not check the Constraints with a current constraint check time of DEFERRED. At the end of a transaction, any Constraints with a current constraint check time of DEFERRED have it changed to IMMEDIATE – thus, your DBMS checks every Constraint for violation at the end of a transaction. When checked, if any Constraint is violated, the SQL statement that caused it to be checked will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 23000 "integrity constraint violation" unless the SQL statement that fails is a COMMIT statement. If COMMIT fails, your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 40002 "transaction rollback-integrity constraint violation". In either case, the status of all SQL-data remains as it was prior to the execution of the failed SQL statement.


You’re taking a huge risk when you use deferred Constraints, since you’re not warned of any problems until COMMIT time. Remember that, at this point, instead of returning a message like “sorry the Constraint’s been violated” and giving you a chance to fix the problem, your DBMS will say “sorry the Constraint’s been violated” and ROLLBACKs the entire transaction! In other words, although you’ve asked for COMMIT, what you get is ROLLBACK. This is perhaps the only command in any programming language where, if you ask for x, you not only don’t get x, you actually get the precise reverse of x! If you must use deferred Constraints, add this SQL statement to your transaction before you COMMIT:


The advantage of SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE is that it won’t ROLLBACK, so if you execute it before you COMMIT, you improve your chances of having something to commit.

Although it’s usually best to check all Constraints for violation right after you’ve done an operation that might cause your data to be invalid, here’s some reasons why you might want to defer Constraint checking:

  • Because some invalid state might be true for a while (such as a transaction that temporarily throws everything out of balance), but you know that the situation will resolve itself by transaction end.

  • Because you want to subvert or ignore Constraints until there is some reason to worry about them. For example, there might be some calculations that you want to perform on a “what if” basis, and the only way to get them straight is by temporarily turning off the Constraint checking mechanism. Such “what if” calculations are normally ended with a ROLLBACK statement.


There are some systems – the notorious example is the requirement for ODBC – which “auto-commit”. This means that as soon as a SQL statement is finished, your helpful DBMS will automatically execute a COMMIT statement for you! As well as being a violation of the SQL Standard and making the ROLLBACK statement useless, this action destroys the basis on which we lay our deferred-Constraint plans.

Here is an example of a SQL statement that adds a NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint to a Table:


This SQL statement adds a DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint to a Table:


This SQL statement adds a DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED Constraint to a Table:


If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t name your Constraints and don’t add a <constraint attributes> clause to your Constraint definitions. (This means you’ll be defining all Constraints as NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.)

Constraint_type – UNIQUE Constraint

A UNIQUE Constraint is either a <Table Constraint> or a <Column Constraint> and defines a rule that constrains a unique key to non-duplicate values only. The required syntax for a UNIQUE Constraint is:

UNIQUE <Table Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
UNIQUE (<Column name> [ {,<Column name>}... ]) | UNIQUE (VALUE)
[ <constraint attributes> ]

UNIQUE <Column Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
<Column name> UNIQUE
[ <constraint attributes> ]

A Base table may be constrained by zero or more UNIQUE Constraints, each specifying a rule that a group of one or more Columns (the unique key) may contain only unique values. You can’t define a unique key with Columns that have a <data type> of BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB or ARRAY. A unique key is also known as a candidate key of the Table. The main reasons you need candidate keys are (a) to get row-level addressing, (b) so that foreign keys can reference the candidate key and (c) to prevent duplication (keyboard errors, etc).

Each UNIQUE Constraint must name a set of Columns that is different from the set of Columns named by any other UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint defined for the Table. If you use UNIQUE (VALUE) to define a UNIQUE Constraint, you’re constraining the Table that owns the Constraint to have just that one UNIQUE Constraint and – since a PRIMARY KEY Constraint is a type of UNIQUE Constraint – you’re also constraining that Table not to have any PRIMARY KEY Constraint. UNIQUE (VALUE) constrains the entire row of the Table to be unique from any other row.

Here are some examples of UNIQUE Constraint definitions:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
-- defines a UNIQUE <Table Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   column_1 SMALLINT
   column_2 CHAR(5));
-- defines a UNIQUE <Column Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

-- defines a UNIQUE <Table Constraint> in ALTER TABLE

Once created, a UNIQUE <Column Constraint> logically becomes a UNIQUE <TableConstraint>. The <Column Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT UNIQUE);

is therefore equivalent to the <Table Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT,

A UNIQUE Constraint makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the unique key to contain any non-null duplicate values. (Multiple null values are allowed, since the null value is never equal to anything, even another null value.) A UNIQUE Constraint is violated if its condition is FALSE for any row of the Table it belongs to. Consider these SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(5),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1

INSERT INTO Table_1 (column_1, column_2)
VALUES (1, 'hello');

For this example, CONSTRAINT_1 would be violated only if you tried to INSERT another {1, 'hello'} row into TABLE_1: a {1, 'bye'} row, a {2, 'hello'} row, a {null, 'hello'} row, a {1, null} row and a {null, null} row would all satisfy the Constraint.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use the UNIQUE(VALUE) form to define a UNIQUE Constraint and don’t add a NOT NULL Constraint to any Column that is part of a unique key for a UNIQUE Constraint.

Constraint_type – PRIMARY KEY Constraint

A PRIMARY KEY Constraint is either a <Table Constraint> or a <Column Constraint> and defines a rule that constrains a unique key to non-duplicate, non-null values only. The required syntax for a PRIMARY KEY Constraint is:

PRIMARY KEY <Table Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
PRIMARY KEY (<Column name> [ {,<Column name>}... ])
[ <constraint attributes> ]

PRIMARY KEY <Column Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
<Column name> PRIMARY KEY
[ <constraint attributes> ]

A Base table may be constrained by no more than one PRIMARY KEY Constraint, which specifies a rule that a group of one or more Columns is the Table’s primary key. A primary key is the set of Columns in a Base table that (because they will be used as the main unique identifier for a row) must contain only unique and not null values. You can’t define a primary key with Columns that have a <data type> of BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB or ARRAY.

A Table’s PRIMARY KEY Constraint must name a set of Columns that is different from the set of Columns named by any other UNIQUE Constraint defined for the Table. Which unique key should be the primary key for a Table? The criteria are:

  • Simplicity, i.e.: the key with the fewest Columns and smallest size.

  • Permanence.

  • Mnemonicity, i.e.: the key that people will understand and remember.

  • The key’s use in other (e.g.: foreign) Tables.

Here are some examples of PRIMARY KEY Constraint definitions:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
-- defines a PRIMARY KEY <Table Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   column_2 CHAR(5));
-- defines a PRIMARY KEY <Column Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

-- defines a PRIMARY KEY <Table Constraint> in ALTER TABLE

Once created, a PRIMARY KEY <Column Constraint> logically becomes a PRIMARY KEY <Table Constraint>. The <Column Constraint> in this SQL statement:


is therefore equivalent to the <Table Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   PRIMARY KEY(column_1));

A PRIMARY KEY Constraint makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the unique key to contain any NULLs or any duplicate values. A PRIMARY KEY Constraint is violated if its condition is FALSE for any row of the Table it belongs to. Consider these SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(5),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(column_1,column_2) NOT DEFERRABLE );

INSERT INTO Table_1 (column_1, column_2)
VALUES (1, 'hello');

For this example, CONSTRAINT_1 would be violated if you tried to INSERT another {1, 'hello'} row into TABLE_1 or if you tried to insert a {null, 'hello'} row, a {1, null} row or a {null, null} into TABLE_1.

The uniqueness of a primary key helps guarantee the integrity of your data. Once you’ve defined a primary key for a Table, you’re protected from simple errors like putting in the same person twice. More importantly, or at least equally importantly, you have the reflection of the “real world” fact that two things aren’t alike in every respect – if they were, they’d form the same record. When you declare a primary key, you are hinting to your DBMS that the data in the key is relatively static. Many attributes of a Table are transient: an employee’s salary, age, weight, title, evaluation, etc. But a primary key Column’s values tend to be stable – we don’t change people’s names or our part numbers very often. A primary key identifier also comes in handy when you’re splitting your data into two Tables. For example, consider an “Internet address”. You might start off with this Table definition:

   table_id VARCHAR(40),
   int_address VARCHAR(50));

This is fine as long as whomever is represented in the TABLE_ID Column only has one Internet address. But that person now gives you the Internet address used at work – and perhaps at several other locations. Should you have a repeating Column (ARRAY) for this data? Well maybe, but the use of non-atomic values is still frowned on and deservedly has a bad rep – see our chapter on <collection type>s for a discussion of the problem. The classic relational solution is to split your data into two Tables. For example:

   table_id VARCHAR(40),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(table_id));

   table_id VARCHAR(40),
   int_address VARCHAR(50),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_2 FOREIGN KEY(int_address) REFERENCES Table_1);

These definitions allow you to store as many Internet addresses for a single person as you want – a repeating group is possible in SQL, it’s just an avoidance of first-normal form if you try to put it into one Table.

Constraint_type – FOREIGN KEY Constraint

A FOREIGN KEY Constraint is either a <Table Constraint> or a <Column Constraint> and defines a rule that constrains a foreign key to values that match only those values contained in a referenced unique key. The required syntax for a FOREIGN KEY Constraint is:

FOREIGN KEY <Table Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
FOREIGN KEY (referencing <Column name> [ {,<Column name>}... ])
   REFERENCES referenced <Table name>
      [ (referenced <Column name> [ {,<Column name>}... ]) ]
   [ <referential triggered action> ]
[ <constraint attributes> ]

      <referential triggered action> ::=
      ON UPDATE <action> [ ON DELETE <action> ] |
      ON DELETE <action> [ ON UPDATE <action> ]

         <action> ::=
         NO ACTION |
         CASCADE |
         RESTRICT |
         SET NULL |
         SET DEFAULT

FOREIGN KEY <Column Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
<Column name> REFERENCES referenced <Table name>
      [ (referenced <Column name>) ]
   [ <referential triggered action> ]
[ <constraint attributes> ]

A Base table may be constrained by zero or more FOREIGN KEY Constraints, which specify a rule that a group of one or more Columns of the Table may contain only those values found in a similar set of unique Columns belonging to (usually) another Table. You can’t define a foreign key with Columns that have a <data type> of BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB or ARRAY. Here are some examples of FOREIGN KEY Constraint definitions:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1
-- defines a FOREIGN KEY <Table Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   column_1 SMALLINT CONSTRAINT constraint_1
   column_2 CHAR(5));
-- defines a FOREIGN KEY <Column Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   FOREIGN KEY(column_1,column_2) REFERENCES Table_1(column_3,column_5)
-- defines a FOREIGN KEY <Table Constraint> in ALTER TABLE

Once created, a FOREIGN KEY <Column Constraint> logically becomes a FOREIGN KEY <Table Constraint>. The <Column Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT REFERENCES Table_1);

is therefore equivalent to the <Table Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1);

The rationale for a foreign key is: you can’t have an employee in department D if there is no department D, you can’t have a branch that produces Widgets if you don’t have a product called a Widget, you can’t locate an office in state = ‘TY’ if there is no state named ‘Tynnessee’. A FOREIGN KEY Constraint forges a link between the referencing Table and the referenced Table: it makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the foreign key to contain any values that are not found in the referenced unique key. (The referencing Table is the Table that the FOREIGN KEY Constraint belongs to; the foreign key itself is made up of one or more Columns of that Table: these are called the referencing Columns. The referenced Table is the Table that contains the unique key that the foreign key must match: the Columns that make up that unique key are called the referenced Columns. SQL allows the referencing Table and the referenced Table to be the same.) In the usual situation, illustrated in the examples above (other actions can be specified), the Constraint makes it impossible to drop TABLE_1 (because TABLE_2 references it), or to delete or change a row in TABLE_1 so that TABLE_2 is left with unmatched referencing values, or to insert a row into TABLE_2 unless its referencing values are matched somewhere in TABLE_1. A FOREIGN KEY Constraint is violated if its condition is FALSE for any row of the Table it belongs to. The result of the evaluation of the FOREIGN KEY Constraint condition depends on the presence of null values and the degree of matching specified for the Constraint; see the comments on the MATCH clause, later in this section.

Referencing Columns

The FOREIGN KEY clause of a FOREIGN KEY <Table Constraint> definition names the referencing Columns: the group of one or more Columns that make up the foreign key (a Column may appear in the list only once). You may specify only unqualified <Column name>s in this clause.

Referenced Table and Columns

The REFERENCES clause of a FOREIGN KEY Constraint definition names the referenced Base table: the Base table that contains the referenced unique key. The Table types must match: if the Table that owns the FOREIGN KEY Constraint is a persistent Base table, the referenced Table must also be a persistent Base Table; if the referencing Table is a GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base table, the referenced Table must also be a GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base Table; if the referencing Table is a created LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table, the referenced Table must be either a GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base Table or a created LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table; if the referencing Table is a declared LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table, the referenced Table must be either a GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base Table, a created LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table or a declared LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table; and if the referencing Table is any temporary Base table defined with an ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS clause, the referenced Table must also be a temporary Base Table defined with that clause.

The referenced Columns, optionally named in the REFERENCES clause of a FOREIGN KEY Constraint definition, are the group of one or more Columns that make up the referenced unique key (that is, the referenced Columns must be named in a NOT DEFERRABLE UNIQUE or NOT DEFERRABLE PRIMARY KEY Constraint that belongs to the referenced Table and may therefore appear in the list only once). You may specify only unqualified <Column name>s in this clause. The Columns in the foreign key must match the number of, and have a comparable <data type> with, the corresponding Columns in the referenced unique key. If you omit the referenced Columns list from a FOREIGN KEY Constraint definition, the referenced Table must be constrained by a NOT DEFERRABLE PRIMARY KEY Constraint; the primary key is also the referenced unique key.

Here are some more examples of FOREIGN KEY Constraint definitions:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1
      PRIMARY KEY(column_1,column_2) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_2
      FOREIGN KEY(column_1,column_2) REFERENCES Table_1);
-- Here the referenced unique key defaults to Table_1's primary key

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1
      PRIMARY KEY(column_1,column_2) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_2
      FOREIGN KEY(column_1,column_2)
         REFERENCES Table_1(column_1,column_2));
-- Here the foreign key explicitly matches Table_1's primary key

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   column_3 DATE,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1
      PRIMARY KEY(column_1,column_2) NOT DEFERRABLE,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_2
      UNIQUE(column3) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   column_3 DATE,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_3
      FOREIGN KEY(column3) REFERENCES Table_1(column3));
-- Here the foreign key explicitly matches Table_1's unique key; this is
mandatory because, if the referenced Column list were omitted, your DBMS would
attempt to match the foreign key (COLUMN_3) to Table_1's primary key
(COLUMN_1,COLUMN_2) and would fail.


In order to create a FOREIGN KEY Constraint, the <AuthorizationID> that owns the referencing Table must be the current <AuthorizationID> and must have the REFERENCES Privilege on every referenced Column named.

MATCH Clause

The optional MATCH clause of a FOREIGN KEY Constraint definition specifies the degree of the required match between the values of the foreign key and the referenced unique key. There are three match options: MATCH SIMPLE, MATCH FULL and MATCH PARTIAL. If you omit the MATCH clause, it defaults to MATCH SIMPLE. For example, these two SQL statements are equivalent:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 REFERENCES Table_1);

   column_1 SMALLINT,

The MATCH option specified for a FOREIGN KEY Constraint has an effect only when your foreign key contains null values.

For MATCH SIMPLE, a FOREIGN KEY Constraint is satisfied if, for each row of the referencing Table, either (a) at least one of the foreign key Columns is NULL or (b) none of the foreign key Columns is NULL and the value of the entire foreign key equals the value of the entire unique key in at least one row of the referenced Table. For example, given a referenced Table with these two unique key rows:

{10,'tiny'} {20,'huge'}

these foreign key rows are valid for the referencing Table:

{10,'tiny'} -- because a matching unique key row exists

{NULL,'tiny'} {10,NULL} {NULL,'soso'} {30,NULL} -- because, in each case,
one foreign key Column is NULL

and this foreign key row is invalid:

{10,'huge'} -- because no matching unique key row exists

For MATCH FULL, a FOREIGN KEY Constraint is satisfied if, for each row of the referencing Table, either (a) every foreign key Column is NULL or (b) none of the foreign key Columns is NULL and the value of the entire foreign key equals the value of the entire unique key in at least one row of the referenced Table. (If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH FULL and there is either (a) only one Column in the foreign key or (b) one or more Columns defined as NOT NULL in the foreign key, then the Constraint will have the same effect as if you had defined the Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE.) For example, given a referenced Table with these two unique key rows:

{10,'tiny'} {20,'huge'}

these foreign key rows are valid for the referencing Table:

{10,'tiny'} -- because a matching unique key row exists
{NULL,NULL} -- because the entire foreign key is NULL

and these foreign key rows are invalid:

{10,'huge'} -- because no matching unique key row exists
{NULL,'tiny'} {10,NULL} -- because, in each case, only some of the foreign
key is NULL

For MATCH PARTIAL, a FOREIGN KEY Constraint is satisfied if, for each row of the referencing Table, at least one foreign key Column is NULL and the values of the rest of the foreign key Columns equal the values of the corresponding unique key Columns in at least one row of the referenced Table. (If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL and there is either (a) only one Column in the foreign key or (b) one or more Columns defined as NOT NULL in the foreign key, then the Constraint will have the same effect as if you had defined the Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE.) For example, given a referenced Table with these two unique key rows:

{10,'tiny'} {20,'huge'}

these foreign key rows are valid for the referencing Table:

{10,'tiny'} -- because a matching unique key row exists
{NULL,NULL} -- because the entire foreign key is NULL
{NULL,'tiny'} {10,NULL} {NULL,'huge'} {20,NULL} -- because, in each case,
one foreign key Column is NULL but the other matches the corresponding unique
Column in some row of the referenced Table

and these foreign key rows are invalid:

{10,'huge'} -- because no matching unique key row exists
{NULL,'big'} {30,NULL} -- because, although one foreign key Column is NULL.
the other does not match the value of the corresponding unique Column in any
row of the referenced Table


Use MATCH FULL, or define all foreign key Columns with a NOT NULL Constraint.

Referential Action

What happens if you UPDATE a primary key? What happens if you DELETE a primary key? Neither should happen often, but if you must, remember that the rule for primary/foreign key relationships is in terms of database states: “no foreign key shall dangle”. There are two ways to get rid of a dangling key: prevent it from happening in the first place, or compensate if it does happen. You can do this by defining your FOREIGN KEY Constraints with one ON UPDATE clause and/or one ON DELETE clause, in any order. The optional ON UPDATE clause specifies the action you want your DBMS to take when an UPDATE operation on the referenced Table causes the FOREIGN KEY Constraint to be violated. The optional ON DELETE clause specifies the action you want your DBMS to take when a DELETE operation on the referenced Table causes the FOREIGN KEY Constraint to be violated. If you omit either clause, both default to ON UPDATE NO ACTION and ON DELETE NO ACTION. For example, these two SQL statements are equivalent:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 REFERENCES Table_1);

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 REFERENCES Table_1

Besides NO ACTION, you may also specify these actions in the ON UPDATE and ON DELETE clauses: RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL and SET DEFAULT. To decide which to use, consider first what you would like to happen. Should you be prevented from leaving a dangling reference – or should you change the dangling reference too? (A dangling reference is a foreign key that doesn’t point to a unique key any more, and it isn’t allowed in SQL.) If you do change the dangling reference, should you be changing to (a) the same value as the new unique key, (b) NULL or (c) some other value? Or should the change be a deletion? All these options are available. The action taken by your DBMS in all cases depends on the definition of “matching rows” for the FOREIGN KEY Constraint: this, in turn, depends on the FOREIGN KEY Constraint’s MATCH option.

For MATCH SIMPLE and MATCH FULL, given a row in the referenced Table, every row in your referencing Table that contains a foreign key whose value equals the value of that unique key, is a matching row. For MATCH PARTIAL, given a row in the referenced Table, every row in your referencing Table that contains a foreign key with at least one non-null Column whose value equals the value of that unique key, is a matching row – and a matching row that matches only one row of the referenced Table is a unique matching row.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE CASCADE or with MATCH FULL ON DELETE CASCADE, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also DELETE all matching rows from the referencing Table. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE CASCADE, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also DELETE all unique matching rows from the referencing Table.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE SET NULL or with MATCH FULL ON DELETE SET NULL, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also set the entire foreign key in every matching row of the referencing Table to NULL. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE SET NULL, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also set the entire foreign key in every unique matching row of the referencing Table to NULL.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE SET DEFAULT or with MATCH FULL ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also set each Column of the foreign key in every matching row of the referencing Table to its default value. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, every time you DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will also set each Column of the foreign key in every unique matching row of the referencing Table to its default value.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE RESTRICT or with MATCH FULL ON DELETE RESTRICT, every time you attempt to DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will check for matching rows in the referencing Table. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE RESTRICT, every time you attempt to DELETE rows from the referenced Table, your DBMS will check for unique matching rows in the referencing Table. In either case, if any matching (or unique matching, as appropriate) rows exist, the operation will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 23001 "integrity constraint violation-restrict violation". A FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with ON DELETE NO ACTION acts essentially the same as one defined with ON DELETE RESTRICT.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE or with MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also UPDATE the corresponding foreign key Column in all matching rows of the referencing Table to the same value. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE CASCADE, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also UPDATE any corresponding non-null foreign key Column in every unique matching row of the referencing Table to the same value – provided that, for each referencing row changed, all rows of the referenced Table that considered that referencing row to be a matching row also have the same change made. If this isn’t the case, the operation will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 27000 "triggered data change violation".

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE SET NULL, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also set the corresponding foreign key Column in all matching rows of the referencing Table to NULL. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH FULL ON UPDATE SET NULL, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also set the entire foreign key in every matching row of the referencing Table to NULL. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE SET NULL, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also set any corresponding non-null foreign key Column in every unique matching row of the referencing Table to NULL.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT or with MATCH FULL ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also set the corresponding foreign key Column in all matching rows of the referencing Table to its default value. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT, every time you UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will also set any corresponding non-null foreign key Column in every unique matching row of the referencing Table to its default value.

  • If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT or with MATCH FULL ON UPDATE RESTRICT, every time you attempt to UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will check for matching rows in the referencing Table. If you define a FOREIGN KEY Constraint with MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE RESTRICT, every time you attempt to UPDATE a referenced Column, your DBMS will check for unique matching rows in the referencing Table. In either case, if any matching (or unique matching, as appropriate) rows exist, the operation will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 23001 "integrity constraint violation-restrict violation". A FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with ON UPDATE NO ACTION acts essentially the same as one defined with ON UPDATE RESTRICT.

For an example of the NO ACTION / RESTRICT option, consider the following SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 12
      CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(column_1) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 15
      CONSTRAINT constraint_2 FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1
         MATCH FULL




For TABLE_1 and TABLE_2, the effect of each of these SQL statements:

UPDATE Table_1 SET column_1=11 WHERE column_1=10;

UPDATE Table_2 SET column_1=11 where column_1=10;


is an error return, because the result in each case would be a value in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that does not match some value in TABLE_1.COLUMN_1.


The action specified for the ON UPDATE clause has no effect on UPDATE operations or INSERT operations performed on the referencing Table. Thus, an INSERT operation that attempts to put a row into TABLE_2, or an UPDATE operation that attempts to change a row of TABLE_2, will always fail if the resulting value in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 does not match some value of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1.)

The effect of this SQL statement:

DELETE FROM Table_1 WHERE column_1=10;

is also an error return, because deleting the applicable row from TABLE_1 would leave TABLE_2 with a row containing a COLUMN_1 value that does not match any TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 value.

To summarize:

  • When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with ON UPDATE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE RESTRICT, the UPDATE fails, regardless of the MATCH option, if there are matching rows in the referencing Table.

  • When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON DELETE RESTRICT, the DELETE operation fails, regardless of the MATCH option, if there are matching rows in the referencing Table.

For an example of the CASCADE option, consider the following SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 12
      CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(column_1) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 15
      CONSTRAINT constraint_2 FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1
         MATCH FULL




For TABLE_1 and TABLE_2, the effect of this SQL statement:

UPDATE Table_1 SET column_1=11 where column_1=10;

is that all values of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to 11, with the same effect cascading down; that is, all values in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are also set to 11. And the effect of this SQL statement:

DELETE FROM Table_1 WHERE column_1=10;

is that all applicable rows are deleted from TABLE_1, with the same effect cascading down; that is, all matching rows of TABLE_2 are also deleted.

To summarize:

  • When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE or MATCH FULL and ON UPDATE CASCADE, the referenced Column, and the corresponding referencing Column in all matching rows, are set to the new value. When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH FULL and ON UPDATE CASCADE, the referenced Column, and the corresponding referencing Column in all unique matching rows where the referencing Column contains a non-null value, are set to the new value. Unique matching rows with a referencing Column that contains the null value are not updated.

  • When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE or MATCH FULL and ON DELETE CASCADE, the applicable row, and all matching rows, are deleted. When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH PARTIAL and ON DELETE CASCADE, the applicable row, and all unique matching rows, are deleted.

For an example of the SET NULL option, consider the following SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 12
      CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(column_1) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 15
      CONSTRAINT constraint_2 FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1
         MATCH FULL




For TABLE_1 and TABLE_2, the effect of this SQL statement:

UPDATE Table_1 SET column_1=11 where column_1=10;

is that all values of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to 11, and that all values in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to the null value. (If TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 did not allow null values, the UPDATE statement would fail.) And the effect of this SQL statement:

DELETE FROM Table_1 WHERE column_1=10;

is that all applicable rows are deleted from TABLE_1, and that all values in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to the null value. (If TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 did not allow null values, the DELETE statement would fail.)

To summarize:

  • When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE and ON UPDATE SET NULL, the referenced Column is set to the new value and the corresponding referencing Column in all matching rows is set to the null value. When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH FULL and ON UPDATE SET NULL, the referenced Column is set to the new value and every referencing Column (not just the corresponding Column) in all matching rows is set to the null value. When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH PARTIAL and ON UPDATE SET NULL, the referenced Column is set to the new value and the corresponding referencing Column in all unique matching rows is set to the null value.

  • When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE or MATCH FULL and ON DELETE SET NULL, the applicable row is deleted and, for all matching rows, each referencing Column is set to the null value. When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH PARTIAL and ON DELETE SET NULL, the applicable row is deleted, and, for all unique matching rows, each referencing Column is set to the null value.

For an example of the SET DEFAULT option, consider the following SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 12
      CONSTRAINT constraint_1 PRIMARY KEY(column_1) NOT DEFERRABLE);

   column_1 SMALLINT DEFAULT 15
      CONSTRAINT constraint_2 FOREIGN KEY(column_1) REFERENCES Table_1
         MATCH FULL




For TABLE_1 and TABLE_2, the effect of this SQL statement:

UPDATE Table_1 SET column_1=11 where column_1=10;

is that all values of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to 11, and that all values of TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to COLUMN_1's default value, 15. (If no row existed where the value of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 was 15, the UPDATE statement would fail.) And the effect of this SQL statement:

DELETE FROM Table_1 WHERE column_1=10;

is that all applicable rows are deleted from TABLE_1 and that all values in TABLE_2.COLUMN_1 that are equal to 10 are set to COLUMN_1's default value, 15. (If no row existed where the value of TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 was 15, the DELETE statement would fail.)

To summarize:

  • When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE or MATCH FULL and ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT, the referenced Column is set to the new value and the corresponding referencing Column in all matching rows is set to its default value. When an UPDATE operation attempts to update a non-null value in a Column that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH PARTIAL and ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT, the referenced Column is set to the new value and the corresponding referencing Column in all unique matching rows is set to its default value.

  • When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH SIMPLE or MATCH FULL and ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, the applicable row is deleted, and, for all matching rows, each referencing Column is set to its default value. When a DELETE operation attempts to delete a row from a Table that is referenced in a FOREIGN KEY Constraint defined with MATCH PARTIAL and ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, the applicable row is deleted, and, for all unique matching rows, each referencing Column is set to its default value.


It is not possible to update the same Column more than once in a single SQL statement. If such an operation is attempted, the statement will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 27000 "triggered data change violation".


All rows that are to be deleted by an SQL statement are effectively deleted at the end of that statement’s execution, prior to the checking of any integrity constraints.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t define your FOREIGN KEY Constraints with a MATCH clause, an ON UPDATE clause or an ON DELETE clause.

Constraint_type – NOT NULL Constraint

A NOT NULL Constraint is a <Column Constraint>, defining a rule that constrains a key to non-null values only. The required syntax for a NOT NULL Constraint is:

NOT NULL <Column Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
<Column name> NOT NULL
[ <constraint attributes> ]

A Column may be constrained by no more than one NOT NULL Constraint, which specifies a rule that the Column may contain only non-null values. Here is an example of a NOT NULL Constraint definition:

   column_1 SMALLINT
      DEFAULT 15
-- defines a NOT NULL <Column Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

Once created, a NOT NULL <Column Constraint> logically becomes a CHECK <Table Constraint>. The <Column Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT NOT NULL);

is therefore equivalent to the <Table Constraint> in this SQL statement:

  column_1 SMALLINT,
  CHECK (column_1 IS NOT NULL));

A NOT NULL Constraint makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the Column to which it belongs to contain any NULLs. A NOT NULL Constraint is violated if it is FALSE for any row of the Table it belongs to. Consider this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT CONSTRAINT constraint_1 NOT NULL,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4));

For this example, CONSTRAINT_1 would be violated if you tried to make COLUMN_1 contain NULL.

Constraint_type – CHECK Constraint

A CHECK Constraint is either a <Table Constraint>, a <Column Constraint> or a <Domain Constraint> and defines a rule that constrains the set of valid values for a Base table. The required syntax for a CHECK Constraint is:

CHECK <Table Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
CHECK (search condition)
[ <constraint attributes> ]

CHECK <Column Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
<Column name> CHECK (search condition)
[ <constraint attributes> ]

CHECK <Domain Constraint> ::=
[ CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> ]
CHECK (VALUE search condition)
[ <constraint attributes> ]

A Base table may be constrained by zero or more CHECK Constraints, which specify a rule that a group of one or more Columns of a Table may contain only those values that fall into the set defined by the rule – that is, a CHECK Constraint is satisfied if its search condition evaluates to TRUE or to UNKNOWN for all rows within its scope.

Here are some examples of CHECK Constraint definitions:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 CHECK(column_1<400) NOT DEFERRABLE);
-- defines a CHECK <Table Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   column_1 SMALLINT
      CONSTRAINT constraint_1 CHECK(column_1<400) NOT DEFERRABLE,
   column_2 CHAR(5));
-- defines a CHECK <Column Constraint> in CREATE TABLE

   CHECK(column_1>100 OR column_2='hello')
-- defines a CHECK <Table Constraint> in ALTER TABLE

   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 CHECK(VALUE IN 50,100,150)
-- defines a CHECK <Domain Constraint> in CREATE DOMAIN

ALTER DOMAIN domain_1 ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_2
-- defines a CHECK <Domain Constraint> in ALTER DOMAIN

CHECK <Column Constraint>s may be defined only in a CREATE TABLE statement and must be for a single Column only. CHECK <Table Constraint>s may be defined in a CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE statement and may be for one or more Columns. CHECK <Domain Constraint>s may be defined in a CREATE DOMAIN or an ALTER DOMAIN statement and must contain a search condition that uses the <value specification> VALUE; valid only in a <Domain Constraint> (the <data type> of a given instance of VALUE is the <data type> of the Domain that the <Domain Constraint> belongs to). A <Domain Constraint>’s search condition may not be a recursive search condition (that is, it may not refer, either directly or indirectly, to the Domain that the <Domain Constraint> belongs to).

Once created, a CHECK <Column Constraint> logically becomes a CHECK <Table Constraint>. The <Column Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT CHECK(column_1<400));

is therefore equivalent to the <Table Constraint> in this SQL statement:

   column_1 SMALLINT,

A CHECK Constraint’s search condition may specify any conditional expression, subject to the following rules:

  • The search condition may not contain (a) a <target specification> or (b) a set function (i.e.: COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN or SUM) unless the set function is contained in a subquery or (c) any of these functions: CURRENT_PATH, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, USER, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOCALTIME or LOCALTIMESTAMP or (d) any query that is possibly non-deterministic, as defined earlier in this chapter.

  • The search condition may not invoke a non-deterministic routine, or a routine which possibly modifies SQL-data.

  • If a CHECK Constraint belongs to a persistent Base table or to a Domain, its search condition may not refer to any temporary Tables.

  • If a CHECK Constraint belongs to a GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base table, its search condition may refer only to GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base Tables. If a CHECK Constraint belongs to a created LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table, its search condition may refer only to GLOBAL TEMPORARY Base Tables or to created LOCAL TEMPORARY Base tables. If a CHECK Constraint belongs to a declared LOCAL TEMPORARY Base table, its search condition may not refer to any persistent Base Tables.

  • If a CHECK Constraint belongs to a temporary Table defined with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS, its search condition may not contain a subquery that refers to a temporary Table defined with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS.

[Obscure Rule] If a CHECK Constraint’s search condition can’t be represented in INFORMATION_SCHEMA without truncation, your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE warning 01009 "warning-search condition too long for information schema".


In order to create a CHECK Constraint, the <AuthorizationID> that owns the Schema to which the Constraint will belong must be the current <AuthorizationID> and must have the REFERENCES Privilege on every Column that is explicitly named in the CHECK Constraint’s search condition. If the search condition doesn’t explicitly name any Columns, the current <AuthorizationID> must have the REFERENCES Privilege on at least one Column of every Table referred to in the search condition.

A CHECK Constraint makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the Constraint’s search condition to evaluate to FALSE. (This means, of course, that if the condition evaluates to TRUE or to UNKNOWN, the Constraint is satisfied.) Thus, for example, the Constraint defined in this CREATE TABLE statement is violated if any row of TABLE_1 contains a COLUMN_1 value that is greater than 99:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4),
   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 CHECK(column_1<100) NOT DEFERRABLE);

This SQL statement would therefore violate CONSTRAINT_1:


because a search condition that evaluates to FALSE violates the Constraint.

Both of these SQL statements, however, would satisfy CONSTRAINT_1:

-- a search condition that evaluates to TRUE satisfies the Constraint

-- NULL is allowed; a search condition that evaluates to UNKNOWN satisfies
the Constraint

The first use of a CHECK <Table Constraint> is to restrict what range of values is allowed in a Column, for example:


You’ll often see Column values restrained like this; it’s a feature in dialog boxes. The second use of a CHECK <Table Constraint> is to see that two Columns within the same Table agree with each other, for example:

   CHECK(film_type <> 'Action' OR star = 'Stallone') NOT DEFERRABLE;

The third use is to find out whether some relation is true between a row in one Table, and a row in another Table or a different row in the same Table, for example:

   CHECK (column_1 > (SELECT MAX(column_2) FROM Table_2) NOT DEFERRABLE;

This sort of thing was once illegal, but in modern variations of SQL, you’ll see inter-table Constraint references on an occasional basis. The fourth use of a CHECK <Table Constraint> is documentary, for example:

   CHECK ('this is a comment ...' IS NOT NULL)

Most DBMSs allow comments to be added to the metadata some other way, so this final use is rare.

For <Domain Constraint>s, the general idea is that object X doesn’t belong in type Y or, to put it positively: certain things go in certain classes. These two examples both express the theme “values based on this Domain must not be space”:

   CONSTRAINT constraint_1 CHECK (VALUE <> ' ');


ALTER DOMAIN domain_2 ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_2
   CHECK (VALUE <> ' ');

In a <Domain Constraint>’s CHECK condition, the word VALUE is a placeholder: your DBMS replaces it with the appropriate <Column name> when checking the Constraint. The second of these two SQL statements would force a Constraint check:

   column_1 domain_1,
   column_2 CHAR(10));
-- makes a Column based on DOMAIN_1

VALUES (' ',
-- fails; CONSTRAINT_1 stops it

A <Domain Constraint> applies to every Column that’s defined on the Domain, now or in the future. This makes sense since it’s rare that a Column is in a Domain all on its own – and if the name of a manager is subject to some Constraint (must be alphabetic, say), then surely the employees’ names and spouses’ names should be subject to the same Constraint. There’s a case for suggesting that “data type checking” is just a vague form of “<Domain Constraint> checking”; the error messages are different, but the point is the same – you are restricted as to what you can put in.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use a subquery in a CHECK Constraint’s search condition. Also, for Core SQL, the REFERENCES Privilege isn’t needed to create a CHECK Constraint.


The CREATE ASSERTION statement names a new Constraint and defines the Constraint’s deferral mode, initial constraint check time and its CHECK search condition. The required syntax for the CREATE ASSERTION statement is:

CREATE ASSERTION <Constraint name>
CHECK (search condition)
[ <constraint attributes> ]

CREATE ASSERTION defines a new rule that will constrain the set of valid values for one or more Base tables. An Assertion is owned by the Schema it belongs to.

  • The <Constraint name> identifies the Assertion and the Schema that it belongs to. A <Constraint name> that includes an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to the Schema named. A <Constraint name> that does not include an explicit <Schema name> qualifier belongs to the SQL-session default Schema. (In both cases, that Schema must, of course, own the Tables for which the Assertion is defined.) The <Constraint name> must be unique (for all Constraints and Assertions) within the Schema that owns it.

If CREATE ASSERTION is part of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, the <Constraint name>, if explicitly qualified, must include the <Schema name> of the Schema being created; that is, it isn’t possible to create an Assertion belonging to a different Schema from within CREATE SCHEMA. For example, this SQL statement will not return an error because the <Constraint name> will default to include the qualifying <Schema name>:

   CREATE TABLE Table_1 (column_1 SMALLINT)
   CREATE ASSERTION constraint_1
     CHECK ((SELECT AVG(column_1) FROM Table_1 >40) NOT DEFERRABLE;
-- creates an Assertion called BOB.CONSTRAINT_1 in Schema BOB

This SQL statement will not return an error either because the <Constraint name> explicitly includes a qualifying <Schema name> that matches the name of the Schema being created:

   CREATE TABLE bob.Table_1 (column_1 SMALLINT)
   CREATE ASSERTION bob.constraint_1
      CHECK ((SELECT AVG(column_1) FROM Table_1 >40) NOT DEFERRABLE;
-- creates an Assertion called BOB.CONSTRAINT_1 in Schema BOB

But this SQL statement will return an error because the <Constraint name> explicitly includes a qualifying <Schema name> that is different from the name of the Schema being created:

   CREATE TABLE Table_1 (column_1 SMALLINT)
   CREATE ASSERTION sam.constraint_1
     CHECK ((SELECT AVG(column_1) FROM Table_1 >40) NOT DEFERRABLE;
-- tries to create a Constraint belonging to Schema SAM inside Schema BOB;
illegal syntax

If CREATE ASSERTION is executed as a stand-alone SQL statement, the current <AuthorizationID> must either be the owner of the Schema that this new Constraint belongs to, or the Schema’s owner must be a Role that the current <AuthorizationID> may use. That is, only the owner of a Schema can create Constraints for that Schema.

An Assertion’s CHECK search condition may specify any conditional expression (it will almost inevitably contain the <keyword> EXISTS, the <keyword> UNIQUE or a set function), subject to the following rules (note that these rules are slightly different from the rules given earlier for a CHECK Constraint’s search condition):

  • The search condition may not contain a <host parameter name>, an <SQL parameter name>, any of these functions: CURRENT_PATH, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, USER, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOCALTIME or LOCALTIMESTAMP or any query that is possibly non-deterministic, as defined earlier in this chapter.

  • The search condition may not invoke a non-deterministic routine, or a routine which possibly modifies SQL-data.

  • The search condition may not refer to any temporary Tables.

[Obscure Rule] If an Assertion’s CHECK search condition can’t be represented in INFORMATION_SCHEMA without truncation, your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE warning 01009 "warning-search condition too long for information schema".

An Assertion makes it impossible to COMMIT any operation that would cause the Constraint’s search condition to evaluate to FALSE. (This means, of course, that if the condition evaluates to TRUE or to UNKNOWN, the Constraint is satisfied.) Thus, for example, for these two SQL statements:

   column_1 SMALLINT,
   column_2 VARCHAR(4));

   CHECK ((SELECT AVG(column_1) FROM Table_1 >40) NOT DEFERRABLE;

CONSTRAINT_1 is violated if the average of the TABLE_1.COLUMN_1 values is less than 41. Assume that TABLE_1 contains one row, where COLUMN_1 contains 42. This SQL statement would then violate CONSTRAINT_1:


because a search condition that evaluates to FALSE violates the Constraint. Both of these SQL statements, however, would satisfy CONSTRAINT_1:

-- a search condition that evaluates to TRUE satisfies the Constraint

-- NULL is allowed; a search condition that evaluates to UNKNOWN satisfies
the Constraint

The <constraint attributes> clause of CREATE ASSERTION is as defined in “Constraint definition”, earlier in this chapter. If you omit the clause, the Constraint defaults to a NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint.

We’ve already said that an Assertion constrains Base tables. The reason they’re not <Table Constraint>s – or the reason you’ll sometimes want to use Assertions rather than <Table Constraint>s – lies in the difference between the way an Assertion is checked and the way a <Table Constraint> is checked: an Assertion is checked once, while a <Table Constraint> is checked once for each row in the Table. This difference doesn’t affect efficiency: modern DBMSs are capable of figuring out when they really need to check, so we note this only as a guide to what “effectively” happens. But consider what it means to you: Assume a Constraint that, in English, is: “There must be at least one row in Table TABLE_1". If you try to implement this requirement as a <Table Constraint>, for example with this SQL statement:

   CHECK (0 <> (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table_1));

you’ll find it won’t work: since a <Table Constraint> is checked once “for each row”, and there are no rows, the check never happens if you leave the TABLE_1 empty. To make it work, create an Assertion to ensure the condition is checked at least once. For example:

   CHECK (0 <> (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table_1));

It’s always a good idea to consider creating an Assertion when you see a SELECT condition. Here’s another example: consider a Constraint that, in English, is: “We can only hold picnics if there’s money.” In this case, you could use this <Table Constraint> and it would work:

   CHECK (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE balance > 0));

But CONSTRAINT_1, as defined, is misleading – the SQL statement suggests that there’s a Constraint on the PICNICS Table. There is, of course, but there’s a Constraint on the ACCOUNTS Table too and this isn’t immediately clear. If you define the same condition with CREATE ASSERTION, you’ll be signalling that there’s more to it; for example:

CREATE ASSERTION Picnic_Account_Check
          EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE balance > 0));

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use the CREATE ASSERTION statement.

Interlocking References

An example of an interlocking reference is:

  • Every Employee must be in a department.

  • Every Department must have at least one employee.

This is an “interlock” problem because there must be a reference from the EMPLOYEES Table to the DEPARTMENTS Table, as well as a reference going the other way: from the DEPARTMENTS Table to the EMPLOYEES Table. Here are the Table definitions:

CREATE TABLE Employees (
  emp_id INT,
  dept_id INT,
  CONSTRAINT emp_constraint_1

CREATE TABLE Departments (
  CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_1
  CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_2
    CHECK (dept_id IN (SELECT * FROM Employees) NOT DEFERRABLE);
-- this CHECK clause illustrates the normal way to make a "foreign
reference" to a "key" which is not unique or primary

In this example, the CREATE TABLE Employees... statement will return an error because it refers to the DEPARTMENTS Table before that Table has been created. Interchanging the statement order wouldn’t help, because then the CREATE TABLE Departments... statement will return an error because it refers to the EMPLOYEES Table before that Table has been created. You could put both Table definitions inside a CREATE SCHEMA statement, but that isn’t a general solution. To solve the problem, split the CREATE TABLE statements up like this:

CREATE TABLE Employees (
   emp_id INT,
   dept_id INT);

CREATE TABLE Departments (
   dept_id INT);

ALTER TABLE Departments ADD CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_1

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT emps_constraint_1

ALTER TABLE Departments ADD CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_2
   CHECK (dept_id IN (SELECT * FROM Employees) NOT DEFERRABLE);

Not only does this second attempt resolve the legalities, it also looks better: it’s easier to read several short statements, rather than a few long statements. Anyway, with this method, there’s no problem defining interlocked Tables. However, there’s still a problem with putting data into them. For example, assuming no data exists in either Table, this SQL statement:

INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (1, 1);

will cause EMPS_CONSTRAINT_1 to fail because there are no departments. And this SQL statement:

INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (1);

will cause DEPT_CONSTRAINT_2 to fail because there are no employees.

There are three solutions to this problem:

Solution #1

Use SQL3 features. There are, in fact, a few ways to do this with SQL3 – the clearest would be to join the two Tables and update the join.

Solution #2

Take advantage of the fact that NULL matches anything. Begin with the assumption that the DEPARTMENTS Table is not empty, presumably because you used Solution #1 for some other department. Then execute these SQL statements:


INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (1);

UPDATE Employees SET dept_id = 1 WHERE emp_id = 1;

You can sometimes use NULL where you can’t use anything else – so insert a NULL as a temporary placeholder, and replace it when both rows exist.

Solution #3

Change the initial setup so that all Constraints are deferred. For example:

CREATE TABLE Employees (
   emp_id INT,
   dept_id INT);

CREATE TABLE Departments (
   dept_id INT);

ALTER TABLE Departments ADD CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_1

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT emps_constraint_1
   FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES Departments

ALTER TABLE Departments ADD CONSTRAINT dept_constraint_2
   CHECK (dept_id IN (SELECT * FROM Employees)

This method causes the INSERT problem to disappear because no checks will occur at INSERT time. Thus, these INSERT statements would now work without returning an error:

INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (1, 1);

INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (1);

-- recommended once the INSERTs are done

We like Solution #3 best because it lacks dependence on SQL3 only features or on tricks.

Dropping Constraints

Dropping a Constraint is straightforward, providing that you know the <Constraint name> – that’s why we recommend that you explicitly give every Constraint a name when you make it (even a NOT NULL Constraint). <Table Constraint>s and <Column Constraint>s are dropped using the DROP CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> clause of the ALTER TABLE statement, <Domain Constraint>s are dropped using the DROP CONSTRAINT <Constraint name> clause of the ALTER DOMAIN statement and Assertions are dropped with the DROP ASSERTION statement.


The DROP ASSERTION statement destroys an Assertion. The required syntax for the DROP ASSERTION statement is:

DROP ASSERTION <Constraint name>

The <Constraint name> must identify an existing Assertion whose owner is either the current <AuthorizationID> or a Role that the current <AuthorizationID> may use. That is, only the <AuthorizationID> that owns the Schema may drop its Assertions. If <Constraint name> does not include an explicit <Schema name> qualifier, the Assertion must belong to the SQL-session default Schema.

The effect of DROP ASSERTION <Constraint name>, e.g.:

DROP ASSERTION constraint_1;

is that the Assertion named CONSTRAINT_1 will be destroyed, providing that CONSTRAINT_1 is not referred to in any SQL routine or in any Trigger. If the Assertion’s CHECK search condition includes a NOT NULL condition that causes one or more Columns to have the “known not nullable” nullability characteristic, then the affected Columns’ nullability characteristic becomes “possibly nullable” (unless some other Constraint also constrains them to non- null values).

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, don’t use the DROP ASSERTION statement.


In most DBMSs, it’s common that the UNIQUE specification is not supported, but you’ll often see a (non-SQL) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement that gives you the same functionality instead.

Some DBMSs reportedly don’t support the FOREIGN KEY <Column Constraint> syntax, but do allow foreign keys to be defined as <Table Constraint>s.