Chapter 11 – Row types


You are reading a digital copy of SQL-99 Complete, Really, a book that documents the SQL-99 standard.

The book and the standard does not reflect the features of CrateDB, we are just publishing it as a service for the community and for reference purposes.

On the one hand, CrateDB does not implement the SQL-99 standard thoroughly, on the other hand, it extends the standard for implementing cluster features and others.

For more information specific to CrateDB, check out the CrateDB Reference documentation.

[Obscure Rule] applies for this entire chapter.

In SQL, a <row type> is a row of data: a composite constructed SQL <data type>. A row in a Table is an instance of a <row type> and every row of the same Table has the same type – the intent is to provide a <data type> that can represent the rows of a Table, so that complete rows can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to routines and returned by functions.

Table of Contents

Row <data type>s

A <row type> is defined by a descriptor that contains three pieces of information:

  1. The <data type>’s name: ROW.

  2. The <data type>’s degree: the number of Fields that belong to the row.

  3. A descriptor for every Field that belongs to the row. The Field descriptor contains the name of the Field, the Field’s ordinal position in the <row type>, the Field’s <data type> and nullability attribute (or, if the Field is based on a Domain, the name of that Domain), the Field’s Character set and default Collation (for character string <data type>s) and the Field’s <reference scope check> (for <reference type>s).


The required syntax for a <row type> specification is as follows.

<row type> ::=
ROW (<Field definition> [ {,<Field definition>}... ])

   <Field definition> ::=
   <Field name> {<data type> | <Domain name>}
      [ <reference scope check> ]
      [ COLLATE <Collation name> ]

A <row type> specification defines a row of data: it consists of a sequence of one or more parenthesized {<Field name>,<data type>} pairs, known as Fields. The degree of a row is the number of Fields it contains. A value of a row consists of one value for each of its Fields, while a value of a Field is a value of the Field’s <data type>. Each Field in a row must have a unique name. Here is an example of a <row type> specification:

ROW (field_1 INT, field_2 DATE, field_3 INTERVAL(4) YEAR)

A <Field name> identifies a Field and is either a <regular identifier> or a <delimited identifier> that is unique (for all Fields and Columns) within the Table it belongs to. You can define a Field’s <data type> either by putting a <data type> specification after <Field name> or by putting a <Domain name> after the <Field name>. The <data type> of a Field can be any type other than a <reference type> – in particular, it can itself be a <row type>. Here is an example, of a <row type> specification; it defines a row with one Field (called field_1) whose defined <data type> is DATE:

ROW (field_1 DATE)

[Obscure Rule] If the <data type> of a Field is CHAR, VARCHAR or CLOB, the Character set that the Field’s values must belong to is determined as follows:

  • If the <Field definition> contains a <data type> specification that includes a CHARACTER SET clause, the Field’s Character set is the Character set named. Your current <AuthorizationID> must have the USAGE Privilege on that Character set.

  • If the <Field definition> does not include a <data type> specification, but the Field is based on a Domain whose definition includes a CHARACTER SET clause, the Field’s Character set is the Character set named.

  • If the <Field definition> does not include any CHARACTER SET clause at all – either through a <data type> specification or through a Domain definition – the Field’s Character set is the Character set named in the DEFAULT CHARACTER SET clause of the CREATE SCHEMA statement that defines the Schema that the Field belongs to.

For example, the effect of these two SQL statements:

  CREATE TABLE Table_1 (
    column_1 ROW(
       field_1 CHAR(10),
       field_2 INT));

is to create a Table in Schema bob. The Table has a Column with a ROW <data type>, containing two Fields. The character string Field’s set of valid values are fixed length character strings, exactly 10 characters long, all of whose characters must be found in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.LATIN1 Character set – the Schema’s default Character set. The effect of these two SQL statements:

  CREATE TABLE Table_1 (
    column_1 ROW(
       field_2 INT));

is to create the same Table with one difference: this time, the character string Field’s values must consist only of characters found in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SQL_CHARACTER Character set – the explicit Character set specification in CREATE TABLE constrains the Field’s set of values. The Schema’s default Character set does not.

[Obscure Rule] If the <data type> of a Field is CHAR, VARCHAR, CLOB, NCHAR, NCHAR VARYING or NCLOB, and your <Field definition> does not include a COLLATE clause, the Field has a coercibility attribute of COERCIBLE – but if your <Field definition> includes a COLLATE clause, the Field has a coercibility attribute of IMPLICIT. In either case, the Field’s default Collation is determined as follows:

  • If the <Field definition> includes a COLLATE clause, the Field’s default Collation is the Collation named. Your current <AuthorizationID> must have the USAGE Privilege on that Collation.

  • If the <Field definition> does not include a COLLATE clause, but does contain a <data type> specification that includes a COLLATE clause, the Field’s default Collation is the Collation named. Your current <AuthorizationID> must have the USAGE Privilege on that Collation.

  • If the <Field definition> does not include a COLLATE clause, but the Field is based on a Domain whose definition includes a COLLATE clause, the Field’s default Collation is the Collation named.

  • If the <Field definition> does not include any COLLATE clause at all – either explicitly, through a <data type> specification or through a Domain definition – the Field’s default Collation is the default Collation of the Field’s Character set.

[Obscure Rule] If the <data type> of a Field is REF(UDT), your current <AuthorizationID> must have the USAGE Privilege on that UDT. If the <data type> of a Field includes REF with a <scope clause>, your <Field definition> must also include this <reference scope check> clause: REFERENCES ARE [NOT] CHECKED ON DELETE NO ACTION – to indicate whether references are to be checked or not. Do not add a <reference scope check> clause under any other circumstances.

  • If a Field is defined with REFERENCES ARE CHECKED, and a <scope clause> is included in the <Field definition>, then there is an implied DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE Constraint on the Field. This Constraint checks that the Field´s values are also found in the corresponding Field of the system-generated Column of the Table named in the <scope clause>.

  • If the <data type> of a Field in a row is a UDT, then the current <AuthorizationID> must have the USAGE Privilege on that UDT.

  • A <row type> is a subtype of a <data type> if (a) both are <row type>s with the same degree and (b) for every pair of corresponding <Field definition>s, the <Field name>s are the same and the <data type> of the Field in the first <row type> is a supertype of the <data type> of the Field in the second <row type>.

<row reference>

A <row reference> returns a row. The required syntax for a <row reference> is as follows.

<row reference> ::=
ROW {<Table name> | <query name> | <Correlation name>}

A row of data values belonging to a Table (or a query result, which is also a Table) is also considered to be a <row type>. In a Table, each Column of a data row corresponds to a Field of the <row type>: the Column and Field have the same ordinal positions in the Table and <row type>, respectively. A <row reference> allows you to access a specific row of a Table or a query result. Here is an example of a <row reference> that would return a row of a Table named TABLE_1:


<Field reference>

A <Field reference> returns a Field of a row. The required syntax for a <Field reference> is as follows.

<Field reference> ::=
row_argument.<Field name>

A <Field reference> allows you to access a specific Field of a row. It operates on two arguments: the first must evaluate to a <row type> and the second must be the name of a Field belonging to that row. If the value of row_argument is NULL, then the specified Field is also NULL. If row_argument has a non-null value, the value of the Field reference is the value of the specified Field in row_argument. Here is an example of a <Field reference> that would return the value of a Field named FIELD_1 that belongs to a row of TABLE_1:


<row value constructor>

An <row value constructor> is used to construct a row of data. The required syntax for a <row value constructor> is as follows.

<row value constructor> ::=
element_expression |
[ ROW ] (element_expression [ {,element_expression}... ]) |
( <query expression> )

   element_expression ::=
   element_expression |
   NULL |
   ARRAY[] |
   ARRAY??(??) |

A <row value constructor> allows you to assign values to the Fields of a row, using either a list of element_expressions of the result of a subquery. An element_expression may be any expression that evaluates to a scalar value with a <data type> that is assignable to the corresponding Field’s <data type>. A subquery – ( <query expression> ) – is discussed in our chapter on complex queries. The result is a row whose n-th Field value is the value of the n-th element_expression (or whose value is the value of the subquery) you specify. If your element_expression is NULL, the corresponding Field is assigned the null value. If your element_expression is ARRAY[] or ARRAY??(??), the corresponding Field is assigned an empty array. If your element_expression is DEFAULT, the corresponding Field is assigned its default value. Here is an example of a <row value constructor>:

ROW ('hello',567,DATE '1994-07-15',NULL,DEFAULT,ARRAY[])

This example constructs a row with six Fields. The first Field has a character string value of 'hello', the second has a numeric value of 567, the third has a date value of '1994-07-15', the fourth has a null value, the fifth has a value that is the fifth Field’s default value and the sixth has a value that is an empty array. This <row value constructor> would be valid for this <row type> specification:

  field_1 CHAR(5),
  field_2 SMALLINT,
  field_3 DATE,
  field_4 BIT(4),
  field_5 domain_1,
  field_6 INT ARRAY[4])

A <row value constructor> serves the same purpose for a row as a <literal> does for a predefined <data type>. It has the same format as the <row type>’s ROW () – but instead of a series of <Field definition>s inside the size delimiters, it contains comma-delimited values of the correct <data type> for each Field. For example, if your <row type> specification is:

ROW (field_1 INT, field_2 CHAR(5), field_3 BIT(4))

a valid <row value constructor> would be:


If you construct a row with a subquery, the row takes on the <data type> of the subquery’s result. An empty subquery result constructs a one-Field row whose value is NULL. A non-empty subquery result constructs a one-Field row whose value is the subquery result.

If you want to restrict your code to Core SQL, (a) don’t use the ROW <data type> or <row reference>s and <Field reference>s and, when using a <row value constructor>, (b) don’t use ARRAY[] or ARRAY??(??) as an element_expression,(c) don’t construct a row with more than one Field,(d) don’t use the ROW <keyword> in front of your element_expression, and (e) don’t use a subquery to construct your row.

Row Operations

A row is compatible with, and comparable to, any row with compatible Fields – that is, rows are mutually comparable and mutually assignable only if they have the same number of Fields and each corresponding pair of Fields are mutually comparable and mutually assignable. Rows may not be directly compared with, or directly assigned to, any other <data type> class, though implicit type conversions of their Fields can occur in expressions, SELECTs, INSERTs, DELETEs and UPDATEs. Explicit row type conversions are not possible.


In SQL, when a <row type> is assigned to a <row type> target, the assignment is done one Field at a time – that is, the source’s first Field value is assigned to the target’s first Field, the source’s second Field value is assigned to the target’s second Field, and so on. Assignment of a <row type> to another <row type> is possible only if (a) both <row type>s have the same number of Fields and (b) each corresponding pair of Fields have <data type>s that are mutually assignable.

[Obscure Rule] Since only SQL accepts null values, if your source is NULL, then your target’s value is not changed. Instead, your DBMS will set its indicator parameter to -1, to indicate that an assignment of the null value was attempted. If your target doesn’t have an indicator parameter, the assignment will fail: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 22002 "data exception-null value, no indicator parameter". Going the other way, there are two ways to assign a null value to an SQL-data target. Within SQL, you can use the <keyword> NULL in an INSERT or an UPDATE statement to indicate that the target should be set to NULL; that is, if your source is NULL, your DBMS will set your target to NULL. Outside of SQL, if your source has an indicator parameter that is set to -1, your DBMS will set your target to NULL (regardless of the value of the source). (An indicator parameter with a value less than -1 will cause an error: your DBMS will return the SQLSTATE error 22010 "data exception-invalid indicator parameter value".) We’ll talk more about indicator parameters in our chapters on SQL binding styles.


SQL provides the usual scalar comparison operators – = and <> and < and <= and > and >= – to perform operations on rows. All of them will be familiar; there are equivalent operators in other computer languages. Two rows are comparable if (a) both have the same number of Fields and (b) each corresponding pair of Fields have <data type>s that are mutually comparable. Comparison is between pairs of Fields in corresponding ordinal positions – that is, the first Field of the first row is compared to the first Field of the second row, the second Field of the first row is compared to the second Field of the second row, an so on. If either comparand is NULL the result of the operation is UNKNOWN.

The result of a <row type> comparison depends on two things: (a) the comparison operator and (b) whether any Field is NULL. The order of comparison is:

  • If the comparison operator is = or <>: First the Field pairs which don´t include NULLs, then the pairs which do.

  • If the comparison operator is anything other than = or <>: Field pairs from left to right. COmparison stops when the result is unequal or UNKNOWN, or when there are no more Fields. The result of the row comparison is the result of the last Field pair comparison.

Here are the possibilities.

  1. If the comparison operator is =. The row comparision is (a) TRUE if the comparision is TRUE for every pair of Fields, (b) FALSE if any non-null pair is not equal, and (c) UNKNOWN if at least one Field is NULL and all non-null pairs are equal. For example:

    ROW (1,1,1) = ROW (1,1,1)          -- returns TRUE
    ROW (1,1,1) = ROW (1,2,1)          -- returns FALSE
    ROW (1,NULL,1) = ROW (2,2,1)       -- returns FALSE
    ROW (1,NULL,1) = ROW (1,2,1)       -- returns UNKNOWN
  2. Comparison operator is <>. The row comparison is (a) TRUE if any non-null pair is not equal, (b) FALSE if the comparison is FALSE for every pair of Fields, and (c) UNKNOWN if at least one Field is NULL and all non-null pairs are equal. For example:

    ROW (1,1,1) <> ROW (1,2,1)         -- returns TRUE
    ROW (1,NULL,2) <> ROW (2,2,1)      -- returns TRUE
    ROW (2,2,1) <> ROW (2,2,1)         -- returns FALSE
    ROW (1,NULL,1) <> ROW (1,2,1)      -- returns UNKNOWN
  3. Comparison operator is anything other than = or <>. THe row comparison is (a) TRUE if the comparison is TRUE for at least one pair of Field and every pair before the TRUE result is equal, (b) FALSE uf the comparison is FALSE for at least one pair of Fields and every pair before the FALSE result is equal, and (c) UNKNOWN if the comparison is UNKNWON for at least one pair of Fields and every pair before the UNKNOWN result is equal. Comparison stops as soon as any of these results (TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN) is established. For example:

    ROW (1,1,1) < ROW (1,2,1)           -- returns TRUE
    ROW (1,NULL,1) < ROW (2,NULL,0)     -- returns TRUE
    ROW (1,1,1) < ROW (1,1,1)           -- returns FALSE
    ROW (3,NULL,1) < ROW (2,NULL,0)     -- returns FALSE
    ROW (2,NULL,1) < ROW (1,2,0)        -- returns UNKNOWN
    ROW (NULL,1,1) < ROW (2,1,0)        -- returns UNKNOWN

SQL also provides three quantifiers – ALL, SOME, ANY – which you can use along with a comparison operator to compare a row value with the collection of values returned by a <table subquery>. Place the quantifier after the comparison operator, immediately before the <table subquery>. For example:

SELECT row_column
FROM   Table_1
WHERE  row_column < ALL (
   SELECT row_column
   FROM   Table_2);

ALL returns TRUE either (a) if the collection is an empty set (i.e.: if it contains zero rows) or (b) if the comparison operator returns TRUE for every value in the collection. ALL returns FALSE if the comparison operator returns FALSE for at least one value in the collection.

SOME and ANY are synonyms. They return TRUE if the comparison operator returns TRUE for at least one value in the collection. They return FALSE either (a) if the collection is an empty set or (b) if the comparison operator returns FALSE for every value in the collection. The search condition = ANY (collection) is equivalent to “IN (collection)``.

Other Operations

With SQL, you have several other operations that you can perform on <row type>s.

Scalar functions

All of SQL’s scalar functions return a row with one Field: its value is the result of the function. We discuss the scalar functions in our other <data type> chapters and won’t repeat the information here.

Set functions

SQL provides three set functions that operate on a <row type>: COUNT and GROUPING. Since none of these operate exclusively with row arguments, we won’t discuss them here; look for them in our chapter on set functions.


In addition to the comparison operators, SQL provides twelve other predicates that operate on rows: the <between predicate>, the <in predicate>, the <like predicate>, the <null predicate>, the <exists predicate>, the <unique predicate>, the <match predicate>, the <overlaps predicate>, the <similar predicate>, the <quantified predicate>, the <distinct predicate> and the <type predicate>. Each will return a boolean value: either TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN. Look for the <like predicate> and the <similar predicate> in our chapter on character strings, the <overlaps predicate> in our chapter on temporal values, the <type predicate> in our chapter on UDTs and the rest in our chapters on search conditions.

Comprehensive Example

Now that we’ve described SQL’s <row type>, let’s look at some example SQL statements that put it to use.

Here is an SQL statement that creates a Table with three Columns, the third of which is a <row type>:

  name CHAR(5),
  status CHAR(10),
  last_litter ROW(dog CHAR(5),mated DATE,pups SMALLINT));

In this Table definition, ROW(...) indicates that the last_litter Column is a <row type> with three Fields.

This SQL statement adds a row to the Lineage Table:

  'Spot',                               -- name
  'Field Dog',                          -- status
  ROW('Fido',DATE '1994-07-15',6));     -- last_litter

In this INSERT statement, ROW('Fido',DATE '1994-07-15',6) is a <row value constructor> that specifies the values for the three Fields of the last_litter Column <row type>.

A Field of a <row type> can be updated using a <Field reference>. For example, this SQL statement would change the rows in the Lineage Table by updating the third Field of every last_litter value:

  last_litter.pups = 5;

This example uses a <numeric literal> to change the value of last_litter’s third Field. The result is that the third Field contains the number ‘5’ and the other Fields are unchanged. We could have achieved the same result by assigning a <row value constructor> to the last_litter Column as a whole, as in this example:

  last_litter = ROW('Fido',DATE '1994-07-15',5);

Here is an example of a query on the Lineage Table:

SELECT name, status, last_litter
FROM   Lineage
WHERE = 'Fido';

In this SELECT statement, the last_litter Column is referred to as a whole in the <select list>, but only the value of its first Field is referred to in the WHERE clause. The result is the entire row we inserted earlier.