Data Types

Data can be stored in different formats. CrateDB has different types that can be specified if a table is created using the the CREATE TABLE statement. Data types play a central role as they limit what kind of data can be inserted, how it is stored and they also influence the behaviour when the records are queried.

Data type names are reserved words and need to be escaped when used as column names.

Table of Contents


Primitive Types

Primitive types represent primitive values.

These are values that are atomic, not composed of separate parts, no containers or collections.

Geographic Types

Geographic types represent points or shapes in a 2d world:

Compound Types

Compound types represent values that are composed out of distinct parts like containers or collections:


A basic boolean type. Accepting true and false as values. Example:

cr> create table my_bool_table (
...   first_column boolean
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


A text-based basic type containing one or more characters. All unicode characters are allowed. Example:

cr> create table my_table2 (
...   first_column string
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

Columns of type string can also be analyzed. See Fulltext Index With Analyzer.


Maximum indexed string length is restricted to 32766 bytes, when encoded with UTF-8 unless the string is analyzed using full text or indexing and the usage of the Column Store is disabled.

Numeric Types

CrateDB supports a set of numeric types: integer, long, short, double, float and byte.

The float and double data types are inexact, variable-precision numeric types. It means that these types are stored as an approximation. Therefore, storage, calculation, and retrieval of the value will not always result in an exact representation of the actual floating-point value.

For instance, the result of applying sum or avg aggregate functions may slightly vary between query executions or comparing floating-point values for equality might not always be correct.

All types have the same ranges as corresponding Java types. You can insert any number for any type, be it a float, integer, or byte as long as its within the corresponding range. Example:

cr> create table my_table3 (
...   first_column integer,
...   second_column long,
...   third_column short,
...   fourth_column double,
...   fifth_column float,
...   sixth_column byte
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

Special Floating Point Values

CrateDB conforms to the IEEE 754 standard concerning special values for floating point types (float, double). This means that it also supports NaN, Infinity, -Infinity (negative infinity), and -0 (signed zero).

cr> SELECT 0.0 / 0.0, 1.0 / 0.0, 1.0 / -0.0;
| (0.0 / 0.0) | (1.0 / 0.0) | (1.0 / - 0.0) |
| NaN         | Infinity    | -Infinity     |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

These special numeric values can also be inserted into a column of type float or double using a string literal.

cr> INSERT INTO my_table3 (fourth_column, fifth_column)
... VALUES ('NaN', 'Infinity');
INSERT OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


The ip type allows to store IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by inserting their string representation. Internally it maps to a long allowing expected sorting, filtering, and aggregation.


cr> create table my_table_ips (
...   fqdn string,
...   ip_addr ip
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table_ips (fqdn, ip_addr)
... values ('localhost', ''),
...        ('router.local', '0:0:0:0:0:ffff:c0a8:64');
INSERT OK, 2 rows affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table_ips (fqdn, ip_addr)
... values ('localhost', 'not.a.real.ip');
SQLActionException[ColumnValidationException: Validation failed for ip_addr: Cannot cast 'not.a.real.ip' to type ip]


The timestamp type is a special type which maps to a formatted string. Internally it maps to the UTC milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z stored as long. Timestamps are always returned as long values.

The default format is dateOptionalTime and cannot be changed currently.

Formatted date strings containing timezone offset information will be converted to UTC.

Formated string without timezone offset information will be treated as UTC.

Timestamps will also accept a long representing UTC milliseconds since the epoch or a float or double representing UTC seconds since the epoch with milliseconds as fractions.

Due to internal date parsing, not the full long range is supported for timestamp values, but only dates between year 292275054BC and 292278993AD, which is slightly smaller.


cr> create table my_table4 (
...   id integer,
...   first_column timestamp
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table4 (id, first_column)
... values (0, '1970-01-01T00:00:00');
INSERT OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table4 (id, first_column)
... values (1, '1970-01-01T00:00:00+0100');
INSERT OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table4 (id, first_column) values (2, 0);
INSERT OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table4 (id, first_column) values (3, 1.0);
INSERT OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> insert into my_table4 (id, first_column) values (3, 'wrong');
SQLActionException[ColumnValidationException: Validation failed for first_column: Cannot cast 'wrong' to type timestamp]


When inserting timestamps smaller than -999999999999999 (equals to -29719-04-05T22:13:20.001Z) or bigger than 999999999999999 (equals to 33658-09-27T01:46:39.999Z) rouding issues may occur.


If a column is dynamically created the type detection won’t recognize timestamps. That means columns of type timestamp must always be declared beforehand.


The geo_point type is used to store latitude and longitude geo coordinates.

Columns with the geo_point type are represented and inserted using an array of doubles in the following format:

[<lon_value>, <lat_value>]

Alternatively a WKT string can also be used to declare geo points:

'POINT ( <lon_value> <lat_value> )'


Empty geo points are not supported.

Additionally, if a column is dynamically created the type detection won’t recognize neither WKT strings nor double arrays. That means columns of type geo_point must always be declared beforehand.

Create table example:

cr> create table my_table_geopoint (
...   id integer primary key,
...   pin geo_point
... ) with (number_of_replicas = 0)
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


The geo_shape type is used to store geometric shapes defined as GeoJSON geometry objects.

A geo_shape column can store different kinds of GeoJSON geometry objects. Thus it is possible to store e.g. LineString and MultiPolygon shapes in the same column.


3D coordinates are not supported.

Empty Polygon and LineString geo shapes are not supported.


To define a geo_shape column:

<columnName> geo_shape

A geographical index with default parameters is created implicitly to allow for geographical queries.

The default definition for the column type is:

<columnName> geo_shape INDEX USING geohash WITH (precision='50m', distance_error_pct=0.025)

There are two geographic index types: geohash (the default) and quadtree. These indices are only allowed on geo_shape columns. For more information, see Geo Shape Index Structure.

Both of these index types accept the following parameters:


(Default: 50m) Define the maximum precision of the used index and thus for all indexed shapes. Given as string containing a number and an optional distance unit (defaults to m).

Supported units are inch (in), yard (yd), miles (mi), kilometers (km), meters (m), centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm).


(Default: 0.025 (2,5%)) The measure of acceptable error for shapes stored in this column expressed as a percentage value of the shape size The allowed maximum is 0.5 (50%).

The percentage will be taken from the diagonal distance from the center of the bounding box enclosing the shape to the closest corner of the enclosing box. In effect bigger shapes will be indexed with lower precision than smaller shapes. The ratio of precision loss is determined by this setting, that means the higher the distance_error_pct the smaller the indexing precision.

This will have the effect of increasing the indexed shape internally, so e.g. points that are not exactly inside this shape will end up inside it when it comes to querying as the shape has grown when indexed.


Maximum number of layers to be used by the PrefixTree defined by the index type (either geohash or quadtree. See Geo Shape Index Structure).

This can be used to control the precision of the used index. Since this parameter requires a certain level of understanting of the underlying implementation, users may use the precision parameter instead. CrateDB uses the tree_levels parameter internally and this is what is returned via the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement even if you use the precision parameter. Defaults to the value which is 50m converted to precision depending on the index type.

Geo Shape Index Structure

Computations on very complex polygons and geometry collections are exact but very expensive. To provide fast queries even on complex shapes, CrateDB uses a different approach to store, analyze and query geo shapes.

The surface of the earth is represented as a number of grid layers each with higher precision. While the upper layer has one grid cell, the layer below contains many cells for the equivalent space.

Each grid cell on each layer is addressed in 2d space either by a Geohash for geohash trees or by tightly packed coordinates in a Quadtree. Those addresses conveniently share the same address-prefix between lower layers and upper layers. So we are able to use a Trie to represent the grids, and Tries can be queried efficiently as their complexity is determined by the tree depth only.

A geo shape is transformed into these grid cells. Think of this transformation process as dissecting a vector image into its pixelated counterpart, reasonably accurately. We end up with multiple images each with a better resolution, up to the configured precision.

Every grid cell that processed up to the configured precision is stored in an inverted index, creating a mapping from a grid cell to all shapes that touch it. This mapping is our geographic index.

The main difference is that the geohash supports higher precision than the quadtree tree. Both tree implementations support precision in order of fractions of millimeters.


Columns with the geo_shape type are represented and inserted as object containing a valid GeoJSON geometry object:

  type = 'Polygon',
  coordinates = [
     [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]

Alternatively a WKT string can be used to represent a geo_shape as well:

'POLYGON ((5 5, 10 5, 10 10, 5 10, 5 5))'


It is not possible to detect a geo_shape type for a dynamically created column. Like with geo_point type, geo_shape columns need to be created explicitly using either CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE.


The object type allows to define nested documents instead of old-n-busted flat tables.

An object can contain other fields of any type, even further object columns. An object column can be either schemaless or enforce its defined schema. It can even be used as a kind of json-blob.


<columnName> OBJECT [ ({DYNAMIC|STRICT|IGNORED}) ] [ AS ( <columnDefinition>* ) ]

The only required part of this column definition is OBJECT.

The column policy defining this objects behaviour is optional, if left out DYNAMIC will be used.

The list of subcolumns is optional as well, if left out, this object will have no schema (with a schema created on the fly on first inserts in case of DYNAMIC).


cr> create table my_table11 (
...   title string,
...   col1 object,
...   col3 object(strict) as (
...     age integer,
...     name string,
...     col31 object as (
...       birthday timestamp
...     )
...   )
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


The column policy can be configured to be strict, rejecting any subcolumn that is not defined upfront in the schema. As you might have guessed, defining strict objects without subcolumns results in an unusable column that will always be null, which is the most useless column one could create.


cr> create table my_table12 (
...   title string,
...   author object(strict) as (
...     name string,
...     birthday timestamp
...   )
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


Another option is dynamic, which means that new subcolumns can be added in this object.

Note that adding new columns to an object with a dynamic policy will affect the schema of the table. Once a column is added, it shows up in the information_schema.columns table and its type and attributes are fixed. They will have the type that was guessed by their inserted/updated value and they will always be not_indexed which means they are analyzed with the plain analyzer, which means as-is.

If a new column a was added with type integer, adding strings to this column will result in an error.


cr> create table my_table13 (
...   title string,
...   author object as (
...     name string,
...     birthday timestamp
...   )
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

which is exactly the same as:

cr> create table my_table14 (
...   title string,
...   author object(dynamic) as (
...     name string,
...     birthday timestamp
...   )
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

New columns added to dynamic objects are, once added, usable as usual subcolumns. One can retrieve them, sort by them and use them in where clauses.


The third option is ignored which results in an object that allows inserting new subcolumns but this adding will not affect the schema, they are not mapped according to their type, which is therefor not guessed as well. You can in fact add any value to an added column of the same name. The first value added does not determine what you can add further, like with dynamic objects.

An object configured like this will simply accept and return the columns inserted into it, but otherwise ignore them.

cr> create table my_table15 (
...   title string,
...   details object(ignored) as (
...     num_pages integer,
...     font_size float
...   )
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


Ignored objects should be mainly used for storing and fetching. Filtering by and ordering on them is possible but very performance intensive. Ignored objects are a black box for the storage engine, so the filtering/ordering is done using an expensive table scan and a filter/order function outside of the storage engine. Using ignored objects for grouping or aggregations is not possible at all and will result in an exception or NULL value if used with excplicit casts.

Object Literals

To insert values into object columns one can use object literals or parameters.


Even though they look like JSON - object literals are not JSON compatible.

Object literals are given in curly brackets. Key value pairs are connected via =.


{ [ ident = expr [ , ... ] ] }

The key of a key-value pair is an SQL identifier. That means every unquoted identifier in an object literal key will be lowercased.

The value of a key-value pair is another literal or a parameter.

An object literal can contain zero or more key value pairs


Empty object literal:


Boolean type:

{ my_bool_column = true }

String type:

{ my_str_col = 'this is a string value' }

Number types:

{ my_int_col = 1234, my_float_col = 5.6 }

Array type:

{ my_array_column = ['v', 'a', 'l', 'u', 'e'] }

Camel case keys must be quoted:

{ "CamelCaseColumn" = 'this is a string value' }

Nested object:

{ nested_obj_colmn = { int_col = 1234, str_col = 'string value' } }

You can even specify a placeholder parameter for a value:

{ my_other_column = ? }


{ id = 1, name = 'foo', tags = ['apple', 'banana', 'pear'], size = 3.1415, valid = ? }


CrateDB supports arrays.

An array is a collection of other data types. These are:

  • boolean

  • string

  • ip

  • all numeric types (integer, long, short, double, float, byte)

  • timestamp

  • object

  • geo_point

Array types are defined as follows:

cr> create table my_table_arrays (
...     tags array(string),
...     objects array(object as (age integer, name string))
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)


Currently arrays cannot be nested. Something like array(array(string)) won’t work.

Array Constructor

Arrays can be written using the array constructor ARRAY[] or short []. The array constructor is an expression that accepts both literals and expressions as its parameters. Parameters may contain zero or more elements.


[ ARRAY ] '[' element [ , ... ] ']'

All array elements must have the same data type, which determines the inner type of the array. If an array contains no elements, its element type will be inferred by the context in which it occurs, if possible.


Some valid arrays are:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
['Zaphod', 'Ford', 'Arthur']
ARRAY[true, false]
ARRAY[column_a, column_b]
ARRAY[ARRAY[1, 2, 1 + 2], ARRAY[3, 4, 3 + 4]]

Array Representation

Arrays are always represented as zero or more literal elements inside square brackets ([]), for example:

[1, 2, 3]
['Zaphod', 'Ford', 'Arthur']

Type Conversion


A type cast specifies a conversion from one data type to another. It will only succeed if the value of the expression is convertible to the desired data type, otherwise an error is thrown.

CrateDB supports two equivalent syntaxes for type casts:

cast(expression as type)

Example usages:

cr> select cast(port['http'] as boolean) from sys.nodes limit 1;
| CAST(port['http'] AS boolean) |
| TRUE                          |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)
cr> select (2+10)/2::string;
| ((2 + 10) / CAST(2 AS string)) |
|                              6 |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

It is also possible to convert array structures to different data types, e.g. converting an array of integer values to a boolean array.

cr> select cast([0,1,5] as array(boolean)) as
... active_threads from sys.nodes limit 1;
| active_threads      |
| [false, true, true] |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)


It is not possible to cast to or from object and geopoint, or to geoshape data type.


While cast throws an error for incompatible type casts, try_cast returns null in this case. Otherwise the result is the same as with cast.

try_cast(expression as type)

Example usages:

cr> select try_cast('true' as boolean) from sys.nodes limit 1;
| TRY_CAST('true' AS boolean) |
| TRUE                        |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

Trying to cast a string to integer, will fail with cast if string is no valid integer but return null with try_cast:

cr> select try_cast(name as integer) from sys.nodes limit 1;
| TRY_CAST(name AS integer) |
| NULL                      |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

Type aliases

For compatibility with PostgreSQL we include some type aliases which can be used instead of the CrateDB specific type names.

For example, in a type cast:

cr> select 10::int2;
| CAST(10 AS int2) |
|               10 |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

See the table below for a full list of aliases:


Crate Type













