Creating Tables

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To create a table use the CREATE TABLE command. You must at least specify a name for the table and names and types of the columns.

See Data Types for information about the supported data types.

Let’s create a simple table with two columns of type integer and string:

cr> create table my_table (
...   first_column integer,
...   second_column string
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

A table can be removed by using the DROP TABLE command:

cr> drop table my_table;
DROP OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

The DROP TABLE command takes the optional clause IF EXISTS which prevents the generation of an error if the specified table does not exist:

cr> drop table if exists my_table;
DROP OK, 0 rows affected (... sec)


Tables can be created in different schemas. These are created implicitly on table creation and cannot be created explicitly. If a schema did not exist yet, it will be created.

You can create a table called my_table in a schema called my_schema schema like so:

cr> create table my_schema.my_table (
...   pk int primary key,
...   label string,
...   position geo_point
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

We can confirm this by looking up this table in the information_schema.tables table:

cr> select table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables
... where table_name='my_table';
| table_schema | table_name |
| my_schema    | my_table   |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

The following schema names are reserved and may not be used:

  • blob

  • information_schema

  • sys


Schemas are primarily namespaces for tables.

In the standard edition of CrateDB, there is no notion of access control and everybody can see and manipulate tables in every schema.

In the Enterprise Edition of CrateDB, you can use privileges to control access to schemas.

A user created schema exists as long as there are tables with the same schema name. If the last table with that schema is dropped, the schema is gone (except for the blob and doc schema):

cr> drop table my_schema.my_table ;
DROP OK, 1 row affected (... sec)

Every table that is created without an explicit schema name, will be created in the doc schema:

cr> create table my_doc_table (
...   a_column byte,
...   another_one geo_point
... );
CREATE OK, 1 row affected (... sec)
cr> select table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables
... where table_name='my_doc_table';
| table_schema | table_name   |
| doc          | my_doc_table |
SELECT 1 row in set (... sec)

Naming Restrictions

Table, schema and column identifiers cannot have the same names as reserved key words. Please refer to the Lexical Structure section for more information about naming.

Additionally, table and schema names are restricted in terms of characters and length. They:

  • may not contain one of the following characters: \ / * ? " < > | <whitespace> , # .

  • may not contain upper case letters

  • may not start with an underscore: _

  • should not exceed 255 bytes when encoded with utf-8 (this limit applies on the optionally schema-qualified table name)

Column names are restricted in terms of patterns:

  • Columns are not allowed to contain a dot (.), since this conflicts with internal path definitions.

  • Columns that conflict with the naming scheme of virtual system columns are restricted.

  • Character sequences that conform to the subscript notation (e.g. col['id']) are not allowed.