Version 2.0.0

Released on 2017/05/16.


CrateDB 2.x versions prior 2.0.4 (including this version) contain a critical bug which leads to deletion of blob data upon node shutdown. It is recommended to not install those versions.

Table of Contents


Breaking Changes

  • To accommodate user-defined functions, some new reserved keywords have been added to the CrateDB SQL dialect: RETURNS, CALLED, REPLACE, FUNCTION, LANGUAGE, INPUT

  • The Enterprise License setting is set to true by default. This enables the CrateDB Enterprise Edition.

    Enabling this setting requires a valid enterprise license for production use.

    If you disable this setting, CrateDB will run with the standard feature set.

  • All custom node.* style attributes must now be written as node.attr.* to distinguish them from attributes that CrateDB uses internally. Consult the node attribute docs for information.

  • The node.client setting has been removed.

  • The default value of the node.attr.max_local_storage_nodes node setting has been changed to 1 to prevent running multiple nodes on the same data path by default.

    Previous versions of CrateDB defaulted to allowing up to 50 nodes running on the same data path. This was confusing where users accidentally started multiple nodes and ended up thinking they have lost data because the second node will start with an empty directory.

    Running multiple nodes on the same data path tends to be an exception, so this is a safer default.

  • Parsing support of time values has been changed:

    • The unit w representing weeks is no longer supported.

    • Fractional time values (e.g. 0.5s) are no longer supported. For example, this means when setting timeouts, 0.5s will be rejected and should instead be input as 500ms.

  • The already unused node setting has been removed.

  • The node setting bootstrap.mlockall has been renamed to bootstrap.memory_lock.

  • The keyword_repeat and type_as_payload built-in token filter have been removed.

  • The classic built-in analyzer has been removed.

  • The shard balance related cluster settings cluster.routing.allocation.balance.primary and cluster.routing.allocation.balance.replica have been removed.

  • Some recovery related cluster settings have been removed or replaced:

    • The indices.recovery.concurrent_streams cluster setting is now superseded by cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries.

    • The indices.recovery.activity_timeout cluster setting have been renamed to indices.recovery.recovery_activity_timeout.

    • Following recovery cluster settings have been removed:

      • indices.recovery.file_chunk_size

      • indices.recovery.translog_ops

      • indices.recovery.translog_size

      • indices.recovery.compress

  • Logging is now configured by instead of logging.yml.

  • The plugin interface has changed, injecting classes on shard or index levels is no longer supported.

  • It’s no longer possible to run CrateDB as the unix root user.

  • Some translog related table settings have been removed or replaced:

    • The index.translog.interval, translog.disable_flush and translog.flush_threshold_period table settings have been removed.

    • The index.translog.sync_interval table setting doesn’t accept a value less than 100ms which prevents fsyncing too often if async durability is enabled. The special value 0 is no longer supported.

    • The index.translog.flush_threshold_ops table setting is not supported anymore. In order to control flushes based on the transaction log growth use index.translog.flush_threshold_size instead.

  • The COPY FROM statement now requires column names to be quoted in the JSON file being imported.

  • Queries on columns with INDEX OFF will now fail instead of always resulting in an empty result.

  • Configuration support using system properties has been dropped.

  • It’s no longer possible to use Hadoop 1.x as a repository for snapshots.

  • Changed default bind and publish address from to the system loopback addresses which will result in CrateDB listening only to local ports.

  • The discovery.ec2.ping_timeout setting has been removed and the discovery.zen.ping_timeout setting is now also used for EC2 discovery.

  • The monitor.jvm.gc.[old|young].[debug|info|warn] settings used to configure logging of garbage collection have been renamed (adding collector) to monitor.jvm.gc.collector.[old|young].[debug|info|warn].

  • Recovery timeout settings changes:

    • indices.recovery.retry_internal_action_timeout has been renamed to indices.recovery.internal_action_timeout

    • indices.recovery.retry_internal_long_action_timeout has been renamed to indices.recovery.internal_action_long_timeout

    • indices.recovery.retry_activity_timeout has been renamed to indices.recovery.recovery_activity_timeout

  • Thread pool settings prefix have been changed from threadpool to thread_pool. E.g.: thread_pool.<name>.type.

  • The cluster name is not part of the effective path where data is stored anymore.

  • The blobs data directory layout has changed.


  • Extended the subselect support. See SELECT Reference for details.

  • Added support for host based authentication (HBA). Please see Host Based Authentication.

  • Added support for renaming tables using the ALTER ... RENAME TO ... statement.

  • Added support for CREATE USER and DROP USER.

  • Added support for opening and closing a table or single partition.

  • Information on the state of tables/partitions is now exposed by a new column closed on the information_schema.tables and information_schema.table_partitions tables.

  • Added full support for DISTINCT on queries where GROUP BY is present.

  • UDC pings will send licence.ident if defined from now on.

  • Added support for GROUP BY in combination with subselect. E.g.:

  • Implemented hash sum scalar functions (MD5, SHA1). Please see sha1.

  • Various admin UI improvements.

  • Added support for GROUP BY on joins.

  • Added support for user-defined functions.

  • Added JavaScript language for functions.

  • Added cluster check and warning for unlicensed usage of CrateDB Enterprise.

  • Added built-in fingerprint, keep_types, min_hash and serbian_normalization token filter.

  • Added a fingerprint built-in analyzer.

  • Upgraded to Elasticsearch 5.0.2.

  • Improved performance of blob stats computation by calculating them in an incremental manner.

  • Optimized performance of negation queries on NOT NULL columns. E.g.:

    SELECT * FROM t WHERE not_null_col != 10
  • Updated documentation to indicate that it’s not possible to use object, geo_point, geo_shape, or array in the ORDER BY clause.

  • Removed psql.enabled and psql.port settings from sys.cluster because they where wrongly exposed in this table.

  • Use the region of the EC2 instance for EC2 discovery when neither nor are specified or do not resolve in a valid service endpoint.

  • It is now possible to restore an empty partitioned table.

  • Added validation that ORDER BY symbols are included in the SELECT list when DISTINCT is used.


  • Fixed an issue which could result in queries being stuck if the thread pools are exhausted.

  • Fixed an issue which caused failing sys.snapshot queries if the data.path of an existing fs repository was not configured anymore.

  • Fixed that sys.snapshot queries hung instead of throwing an error if something went wrong.

Upgrade Notes

Daemon User

You can no longer run CrateDB as the superuser on Unix-like systems. You should create a new crate user for running the CrateDB daemon.


The logging.yml has been removed. You must migrate your Logging configuration to the new file.

System Properties

You can no longer use the JAVA_OPTIONS or CRATE_JAVA_OPTS environment variables to pass configuration to CrateDB itself, for example:


Instead, you must pass these options in on the Running CrateDB.

You can continue to use the JAVA_OPTIONS and CRATE_JAVA_OPTS environment variables to set general JVM properties and CrateDB specific JVM properties, respectively.

Configuration Changes

Many configuration settings and files have been renamed or removed. You must review the Breaking Changes section above and update your setup as necessary.

SQL Changes

Several breaking changes were made to CrateDB’s SQL. This includes changes to time parsing, syntax changes, and new reserved keywords. You must review the Breaking Changes section above and update your client code as necessary.

Bind Address

The default bind address has been changed from to the loopback address (meaning it will only be accessible on localhost). See Hosts for more.

If you want to keep the original behaviour (i.e. bind to every available network interface) you must add the following line to your Configuration file:


If you bind to a network reachable IP address, you must follow the instructions in the new bootstrap checks guide.

Heap Size

If you have previously set or configured CRATE_MIN_MEM or CRATE_MAX_MEM in your startup scripts or environment, you must remove both, and replace them with a single variable CRATE_HEAP_SIZE. The CRATE_HEAP_SIZE variable sets both the minimum and maximum memory to allocate, and should be set to whatever your previous CRATE_MAX_MEM was set to.

Cluster name in path data

The computation of the effective data directory path has changed in a way that the cluster name is not part of the path anymore. In previous versions it was $PATH_DATA_DIR/$CLUSTER_NAME/nodes/ and now it is $PATH_DATA_DIR/nodes/. There’s a fallback that still accepts the old data structure, which will be removed in future versions of CrateDB. It will be required that the data directory is either moved to the new location or the setting gets changed to point to the old location by appending the clustername to it (e.g /data/ becomes /data/yourclustername). Therefore it’s not possible anymore for multiple clusters to share the exact same directory.

Boolean Data Type

Tables that have been created with CrateDB version 0.54.x or smaller and that contain a column of type BOOLEAN must be re-created to be able to perform all supported operations on that column.