Sharding and Partitioning

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Sharding and partitioning are techniques used to distribute data evenly across multiple nodes in a cluster, ensuring data scalability, availability, and performance. This page provides an in-depth guide on how to configure sharding and partitioning in CrateDB, presenting best practices and examples.


One core concept CrateDB uses to distribute data across the cluster is sharding. CrateDB splits every table into a configured number of shards, which are distributed evenly across the cluster. You can think of shards as a self-contained part of a table, that includes both a subset of records and the corresponding indexing structures. If we create a table like the following:

CREATE TABLE first_table (

The table is by default split into several shards on a single node cluster. You can check this by running:

SHOW CREATE TABLE first_table;

Which should output the following:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "doc"."first_table" (

By default, ingested data is distributed evenly across all available shards. Although you can influence that distribution by specifying a routing column, in many cases it is best to keep the default settings to avoid any unbalanced distribution.


CrateDB also supports splitting up data across another dimension with partitioning. You can think of a partition as a set of shards. For each partition, the number of shards defined by CLUSTERED INTO x SHARDS are created, when a first record with a specific partition key is inserted.

In the following example - which represents a very simple time-series use-case - we added another column part that automatically generates the current month upon insertion from the ts column. The part column is further used as the partition key.

CREATE TABLE second_table (
    part GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('month',ts)

When inserting a record with the following statement:

INSERT INTO second_table (ts, val) VALUES (1617823229974, 1.23);

and then querying for the total amount of shards for the table:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.shards
WHERE table_name = 'second_table';

We can see that the table is split into 4 shards.

Adding another record to the table with a different partition key (i.e. different month):

INSERT INTO second_table (ts, val) VALUES (1620415701974, 2.31);

We can see that there are now 8 shards for the table second_table in the cluster.


Over-sharding and over-partitioning

Sharding can drastically improve the performance on large datasets. However, having too many small shards will most likely degrade performance. Over-sharding and over-partitioning are common flaws leading to an overall poor performance.

As a rule of thumb, a single shard should hold somewhere between 5 - 100 GB of data.

To avoid oversharding, CrateDB by default limits the number of shards per node to 1000. Any operation that would exceed that limit, leads to an exception.

How to choose your sharding and partitioning strategy

An optimal sharding and partitioning strategy always depends on the specific use case and should typically be determined by conducting benchmarks across various strategies. The following steps provide a general guide for a benchmark.

  • Identify the ingestion rate

  • Identify the record size

  • Calculate the throughput

Then, to calculate the number of shards, you should consider that the size of each shard should roughly be between 5 - 100 GB, and that each node can only manage up to 1000 shards.

Time-series example

To illustrate the steps above, let’s use them on behalf of an example. Imagine you want to create a partitioned table on a three-node cluster to store time-series data with the following assumptions:

  • Inserts: 1.000 records/s

  • Record size: 128 byte/record

  • Throughput: 125 KB/s or 10.3 GB/day

Given the daily throughput is around 10 GB/day, the monthly throughput is 30 times that (~ 300 GB). The partition column can be day, week, month, quarter, etc. So, assuming a monthly partition, the next step is to calculate the number of shards with the shard size recommendation (5 - 100 GB) and the number of nodes in the cluster in mind.

With three shards, each shard will hold 100 GB (300 GB / 3 shards), which is too close to the upper limit. With six shards, each shard will manage 50 GB (300 GB / 6 shards) of data, which is closer to the recommended size range (5 - 100 GB).

CREATE TABLE timeseries_table (
    part GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('month',ts)

Assuming a weekly partition for the same example (7 days × 10 GB/day = 70 GB/week), three shards per partition would work well resulting in ~ 24 GB per shard.

Above, we demonstrated how both monthly partitioning with 6 shards, and weekly partitioning with 3 shards work for the use case. In general, you should also consider to evaluate the query patterns of your use case, in order to find a good partitioning interval matching the characteristics of your data.