
The projects command allows you to create, modify and view projects.

Usage: croud projects [-h] {create,delete,edit,get,list,users} ...

projects create

Usage: croud projects create [-h] --name NAME [--org-id ORG_ID]
                             [--backup-location-type {s3}]
                             [--backup-location BACKUP_LOCATION]
                             [--backup-location-access-key-id BACKUP_LOCATION_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
                             [--backup-location-endpoint-url BACKUP_LOCATION_ENDPOINT_URL]
                             [--backup-location-secret-access-key BACKUP_LOCATION_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
                             [--region REGION]
                             [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Required Arguments


The project name to use.

Optional Arguments


The organization ID to use.


Possible choices: s3

The type of the custom backup location to use. Only ‘s3’ currently supported. CrateDB Edge regions only.


The location of where backups are to be stored, i.e. name of s3 bucket for s3 locations. CrateDB Edge regions only.


The AWS access key id for the given s3 bucket. CrateDB Edge regions only.


The URL to a S3 compatible endpoint. CrateDB Edge regions only.


The AWS secret access key for the given s3 bucket. CrateDB Edge regions only.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects create --name my-project --org-id a0df2925-cc73-4365-8a10-7ef847632b81
| id                                   |
| 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0 |
==> Success: Project created.

projects delete

Usage: croud projects delete [-h] -p PROJECT_ID [-y] [--region REGION]
                             [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Required Arguments

-p, --project-id

The project ID to use.

Optional Arguments

-y, --yes

Default: False

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects delete --project-id 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0
Are you sure you want to delete the project? [yN] y
==> Success: Project deleted.

projects edit

Usage: croud projects edit [-h] -p PROJECT_ID [--name NAME] [--region REGION]
                           [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Required Arguments

-p, --project-id

The project ID to use.

Optional Arguments


The new project name to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects edit --p f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209  --name new-name
| project_id                           | name        |
| f6c39580-5719-431d-a508-0cee4f9e8209 | new-name    |
==> Success: Project edited.

projects list

Usage: croud projects list [-h] [--org-id ORG_ID] [--region REGION]
                           [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Optional Arguments


The organization ID to use.

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects list
| id                                   | name       | region       | organizationId                       |
| 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0 | my-project | | a0df2925-cc73-4365-8a10-7ef847632b81 |

projects users

Usage: croud projects users [-h] {add,list,remove} ...

projects users add

Usage: croud projects users add [-h] -p PROJECT_ID --user USER --role ROLE
                                [--region REGION]
                                [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}] [--sudo]

Required Arguments

-p, --project-id

The project ID to use.


The user email address or ID to use.


The role FQN to use. Run croud users roles list for a list of available roles.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects users add \
    --project-id 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0 \
    --role project_member \
| project_id                           | role_fqn       | user_id                              |
| 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0 | project_member | 6ac0f500-f9f8-4c12-82e2-3ad6192525d4 |
==> Success: User added to project.

projects users list

Usage: croud projects users list [-h] -p PROJECT_ID [--region REGION]
                                 [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments

-p, --project-id

The project ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects users list \
    --project-id 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0
| email                | project_roles  | username | uid                                  |
| | project_member | john.doe | 6ac0f500-f9f8-4c12-82e2-3ad6192525d4 |

projects users remove

Usage: croud projects users remove [-h] -p PROJECT_ID --user USER
                                   [--region REGION]
                                   [--output-fmt {table,wide,json,yaml}]

Required Arguments

-p, --project-id

The project ID to use.


The user email address or ID to use.

Optional Arguments

--region, -r

Temporarily use the specified region that command will be run in.

--output-fmt, --format, -o

Possible choices: table, wide, json, yaml

Change the formatting of the output.


Run the given command as superuser.

Default: False


sh$ croud projects users remove \
    --project-id 035f1161-402e-44b4-9073-0749586091e0 \
==> Success: User removed from project.